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October 31st 2016

She sauntered down the sidewalk with her friends, laughing and joking about how little effort they'd each put into their costumes. No one wanted to be given the "Laziest Costume" award that year.

Laura was a basic black cat, with the simple ears, cartoon nose and whiskers, a fluffy black tail. and the unnecessarily revealing clothes. The only effort it seemed she'd put in, was the cat eye contact lenses. 

"What! Just because a cat is a basic costume, that automatically means that I put no effort into it?" she'd scoffed. "Puh-leese." she rolled her eyes.

Jason had gone with a character with the same name as himself. "Friday The 13th" Jason number 7. With the battered goalie mask, bloody chains around his neck, and worn out trench coat, his costume was easily the most accurate. 

"Mine took hours." he'd argued. "The blood on the chains and coat were not easy to do. I think there was definitely a lot of effort involved."

Anna had dressed as Raven from Teen Titans. Shoulder length purple wig, pale grey body paint, a purple hooded cloak, white tights, black ankle boots, and even the black bodysuit. Hers had definitely taken a lot of effort. 

"I'm a superhero! The wig cost like, sixty bucks, and the cloak was not easy to find." Anna protested. "And don't even get me started on the body paint."

And then there was Maisy. She'd dressed as a faun, with big, floppy silicone ears, deer-like markings on her face, a flower crown, and a flowy, off the shoulder crop top. But the simplicity of her costume  ended there. She'd bought "Digi Legs" so the knees bent backwards, giving her a more faun-like look. She'd also turned the leg frames into the faun legs; covered them in fur, added the hooves, and even added the tail. Not only that, but she'd hand-sculpted her antlers from wire, plaster, and clay. 

"Don't any of you even try to tell me I put no effort into this." she'd warned. "This costume took me months and you all know it." 

So after a little discussion, Laura's cat costume was named "Laziest Costume Of The Year".

They all got loads of candy though. 

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