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     Six months. Kellin went missing six months ago; vanished without a single trace. Though, shouldn't [Name] be used to the demon disappearing by now? No... this time it's different, something was incredibly off. Whenever the creature would disappear he would often check in on his friends to make sure they were doing just fine without him, but this time he couldn't be found spying on any of them in his usual hiding spot, even the sweets left out on the kitchen table of his home remained untouched... surprising, since Kellin usually would have eaten them all before the day ended. So, what happened to Kellin?

     Perhaps he returned to Hell, working as a pitiful slave for the demons in the higher ranks, or maybe the other demons grew sick of his bullshit and finally got rid of him. No, no that was not possible, it couldn't be, right? They would have told [name] by now; sent a video of his death to absolutely ruin them. But the days went on endlessly, boring and empty without the familiar presence of the demon, and not one clue as to where he went popped up. Was he still alive? Yes, he had to be, and [name] knew it.

     Currently, [name] was on their daily run to Kellin's home to try to find any hope of seeing the demon again. Though, when they arrived there was an evil vibe attached to the building, as if something terrible had just happened... but what? The place was warded against pretty much every creature under the sun except for Kellin and his few friends, so nothing could have gotten inside... but what about all the times in the past where something managed to break the magic barrier and attack Kellin. Surely it couldn't find a way inside, right? There's no possible way...

      Even so, [name] walked inside and began to look around, leaving no stone left un-turned as they investigated the small home. Everything seemed to be just as it was six months ago; the sweets still left on the table (surprisingly not collecting dust or insects), and the bottle of soda was still knocked over in the sink, again, not collecting any insects at all. The house seemed to be frozen in time, as if Kellin had just disappeared no more than an hour ago.

     "[Name]," whispered a voice, a very familiar voice that snapped [name] out of their trance. They were filled with joy and relief when they recognized the voice as Kellin's, but where was he? "[Name], help me..."

     "Kellin!? Kellin where are you!?" They called out, rushing from room to room but finding nothing but disappointment. Kellin was obviously here, but where? Where was the familiar demon? [Name] searched every damn room in the house and found nothing, no clues, no hope; nothing.

     Kellin's voice could still be heard, crying out for his friend from his bedroom. They were in that room, but Kellin was nowhere to be found. His voice was coming from directly beside [name], full of pain and pure agony... he was so close, yet so far.

     [Name] glanced outside from the window, their eyes widening slightly when they noticed that the sky had turned pitch black. It was only three in the afternoon! The people outside didn't appear to notice this at all, perhaps only [name] could see it... Turning to look back at the room, they lost their breath when they saw Kellin unconscious on the floor, a tall man standing over him with a wicked grin. Though, he didn't notice [name] standing there, at least, not yet.

    "You deserve every moment of this, Kellin," the man spat out the demon's name like poison, kicking the small males stomach repeatedly as Kellin slipped in and out of consciousness. "You're worthless, you can't even do your damn job right."

   The strange man looked... familiar, but how? [Name] didn't recognize that greasy black hair or those black emotionless eyes, which were similar to Kellin’s eyes but not quite the same. These eyes held nothing but pure evil in them, unlike Kellin’s, which were soft and comforting even when he was angry. The man was tall, around six-foot-five, and his body was long and lanky; covered with scars and little bruises. Yes, that’s it! This man was no other than Samuel Jackson, Kellin’s old… boyfriend? No, no that can’t be right, he died! He never made it to the afterlife like Kellin did, or, did he?

   [Name] didn’t know much about Samuel, other than the fact that he was an abusive prick who only used him for sex and treated Kellin like a punching bag. Samuel was the reason Kellin died young; he had beaten the life out of poor Kellin, literally. Kellin didn’t live to know what had happened after that, but with the rope burns around the tall males neck it was quite obvious as to what happened.

     "I hurt you all the time and you still don't learn," Samuel hissed, pulling Kellin up off the floor by the collar of his shirt, "you're here on Earth to make deals, not to mess around and make friends." The tall male threw the demon to the floor, kicking him in the gut once again, which only made him cry out for [name] to save him.

     Kellin just wanted to die, he didn't want to be saved anymore, all he wanted now was to see [name] one last time before he was killed. After that, he didn't care what happened to him; not anymore.

     "They won't save you, they were never around before so why would they be now?" Samuel tormented as he flashed a wicked grin, his eyes glancing to the angel blade set on the bed, but he didn't notice [name] standing there behind him. "Maybe I'll put an end to you once for and for all~"

(( Woohoo! I could have written more but towards the end my writers block kicked in :^) anyways hope you enjoyed

Edit: In order to roleplay on future starters beyond 020, your character or Kellin HAS to kill Samuel.
If you don't feel like role playing on this chapter, give me a valid reason and in future roleplays it will be canon (in our roleplays) that Kellin killed Samuel and he WILL lose a bit of trust in your character.
Why? Because you didn't roleplay on this chapter and because I'm rude, I can make Kellin lose trust. If you don't want to roleplay this chapter, Kellin will end up thinking that your character didn't care that he was missing for six months.
ok thx))

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