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   Ever since the demon sliced off his wing, he's become incredibly distant and much more quiet than he was before the removal of his wing. Of course, this was expected of him, after all, he did lose a part of him. A part of him that he would never get back no matter how hard he tried.

   [Name] almost never left Kellin alone since then, even if he wanted to be alone. Nowadays, he always wanted to be alone. The demon never smiled, he hardly ate (not that he needed to, but it would help a bit), he rarely left his bed, and he hardly ever said anything anymore. Still, [name] refused to give up on the young demon.

  They would often try to force him out of bed, it would occasionally work but Kellin would only move to the couch to sleep for as long as [name] let him. His once cheerful expression had lost all emotion, and his eyes remained black and dead since his recovery. Obviously, he had some serious depression. Though, he always had depression, and the incident only worsened it after he believed he was finally starting to get better.

   Currently, [name] and Kellin were sat quietly on the couch... well, Kellin was basically laying on them, his tail wrapped around them as he let out soft breaths. [Name] didn't seem to mind, not that it mattered, Kellin wouldn't be moving anytime soon unless he was forced to.

   A lot of days went by like this; silently laying on the couch without a care in the world. Kellin didn't mind it at all, he enjoyed the company quite a bit, even if he didn't do much but lay around.

   Suddenly, for the first time in almost five months, Kellin spoke up.

  "Why haven't you given up on me yet?"

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