Means to an End

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After the failed game of questions, the radio and the clack of texting were the only sounds to fill the car's cabin.

Eventually, Lacey had fallen asleep. With a yawn and a stretch, Lacey tried to adjust to the morning sun.

Her hands searched for her phone but she couldn't find it.

"What time is it?" She wiped at her groggy eyes.

"Eight. You slept for a while."

She rubbed her neck. "That's what the kink in my neck is telling me, too."

He chuckled. "You slept at a weird angle. I would have tried to adjust you, but I was worried I'd wake you."

He was kind, she couldn't deny that. But he was also insufferable.

When he pulled into a gas station to fill up, Lacey ran inside to the bathroom.

"My turn to drive," she called over her shoulder. He didn't acknowledge her, but she was too consumed with her full bladder to respond.

She walked back out later to see he had pulled the car into a parking spot and was firmly planted in the driver's seat. She caught his attention and motioned from herself to where he was sitting.

He shook his head. "I'm good," he mouthed.

She stalked over to him. She tapped in the glass until he rolled it down a smidge.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually," she huffed. "You can let me drive. It's my turn."

"Hey, don't worry about it," he replied. "I'm doing alright still. You can drive at the next stop."

"I would like to drive right now," she countered.

He shook his head. "I'm not sleepy, get in on the other side."

"No! You have to have driver's fatigue, you've been driving for-"

"No, no, I'm okay," he insisted, cutting her off.

It irked her. "You invited me along to help and-"

"Well, that's what I said yes, but I just figured I'd enjoy the company and-"

"Get out of the car," she demanded, cutting him this time.

He shook his head once more, mouthing 'no' at her through the car window as he rolled it up.

"Get out!" She stomped her foot. By now, she was causing quite a scene and the other gas station patrons were staring.

Usually she would be bright red of embarrassment, but Nicholais' insolence had her too heated to care.

She stared him down. He didn't budge.

Huffing, she took out her cell phone. If he wasn't going to comply, then she would just find another way to her destination.

The screen was bright in the dark night as she grinned and hit the call button.

The phone was snatched out of her hands and the call was disconnected.


"Do you argue with your man this much?" He snapped. "I feel bad for him if you do. It's exhausting."

"No," she ground out. Her face turned to stone. "I actually like him and agree with his sensible choices."

"You agree with him?"

She couldn't help her quick glare she threw. He had caught her in her own words again.

"Does he ever agree with you?"

She pushed passed him and slid into the driver's seat. "Let's go," she grumbled.

It seemed she had finally won when he slammed into the passenger seat and jerked the door closed. With the click of his seatbelt, she peeled out of the gas station and hit the road.

"Slow down!" His hand gripped the bar above his door.

"I'm not speeding," she ground out, her foot pressing down on the accelerator.

"No, but the roads are wet, Lacey. I'd like to see my family in one piece for Christmas."

She slowed down. He breathed out a sigh.

"Thank you, speed demon."

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for your family."

"My family?"

"Yes, I'm sure they're actually nice, pleasant people."

He chuckled, pulling out his phone to check their route. "I'm nice and pleasant."

She muttered a few choice words under her breath.

"Do you treat Josh as sweetly as you treat me? I can't imagine he would be able to resist you."

"What is your obsession with him?" She threw back.

"What? I'm just curious how in the world you and him are together."



"You're talking like you know Josh," her voice was laced with suspicion.

His cheeks grew red. "Well. We live in the same town and grew up together."

"You do know him! You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you! I never said I didn't know him, you just assumed I didn't."

"Lying by omission, that's so much better," she rolled her eyes. "Not that I expect you to tell the truth, but why are you so insistent that Josh and I can't be together?"

"You're not his type." He had answered so quickly, she knew he was being honest.

"Not his type? Seriously? You've know me for barely a day- you cannot accurately say whether or not I'm his type."

She waited. He was silent.

"I'm going to take a nap," he finally spoke. He placed his phone in the cup holder. "Just keep listening to the GPS and don't speed, please."

She glanced over and saw he had leaned his seat back. He was curled up towards his door.

"Whatever, bossy."

Eventually his shallow breathing let her know he was asleep.

Her mind wondered towards his stubborn nature. It drove her crazy and brought up a side of her she hadn't saw in a long time.

A side where her emotions were able to freely show. It was rough on her to share her emotions freely. Connecting with a person well enough to show her anger and frustration was huge- Josh had never witnessed her in a bad mood.

Perhaps it was telling that this handsome man was able to read her and draw deep emotions out of her. She spoke more straightforward with him than anyone else in her life. It was liberating, but also terrifying.

What did it mean if Nicholas could see a side of her that Josh couldn't...?

No, she shook her head with a drawn out breath. She wasn't going down that path.

Josh was her future. Nicholas was a means to an end. An encounter to be endured to get the one thing she had always dreamed of: a fairytale Christmas proposal from the man of her dreams.

She didn't have to enjoy spending time with Nicholas. She just needed him to help her get to Josh.

A Christmas ProposalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant