Living a Little

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Nicholas woke up with a buzz of energy just as the sun set. He tapped his fingers against the dashboard in an erratic rumble. Lacey tried not to snap as the noise grated her nerves.

"You certainly got your sleep," Lacey remarked with a sharp glance. She was trying to hide her irritation and failing. 

He chose to ignore it. Instead, he shot her a buzzing grin. 

Tap, tap, tap. Tap tap tap. Tap, tap. Tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap.

"Could you not-" 

"Take this exit!" He exclaimed. His outburst startled her. With a squeal, she jerked the wheel onto the exit ramp.

"Where are we-" her wide eyes twitched as he shouted over her question once more.

"Turn left here! Now a right!" He pointed his directions. She followed, unable to get a word in edgewise.

"How do you know where-"

He laughed. "This is one of the biggest malls in the state. I only had sisters. I was also the youngest, so my mom and sisters would drag me off to this place at least once a month for years."

She didn't respond. She followed his barking orders and eventually killed the engine. She eyeballed their destination. "A mall?" She finally questioned.

It was a huge mall, that was for sure. Multiple stories and the highest end of department stores in her view. Top end brands of cars lined the parking lot. She felt out of place already as she watched the nicely dressed customers hurry in and out of the grandiose building. She tried to be subtle as she flipped the driver's sun visor down and peered at herself. Holding back a groan, she noticed her smeared make-up and unruly hair. 

Josh would have a heart attack if he saw her like this! He always told her that self presentation was the main key to success.

She ran her hands through her hair, attempting to tame her locks. Shuffling through her purse, she located some old powder and mascara. She patted the power puff across her face until the smudges disappeared. She pursed her lips and applied her mascara. It was a futile attempt, with the old mascara and new mascara combining to make her lashes into spidery clumps. Sighing, she swiped her lip balm across her lips.

"You look fine, don't worry," Nicholas told her as he caught her eye. 

Her cheeks burned and her neck warmed as she realized he had been watching her. "I need a bath, badly," she complained. She shoved her make-up back in her purse. "What are we doing here, anyway?"

He climbed out the car and stretched. "I needed a break," he explained over his shoulder as he walked towards the entrance.

She jogged to catch up to him. When she reached him, she hit him with her purse. "We're wasting time," she griped.

He rolled his eyes. "Why are you in such a rush? Even if we took an extra day we would still make it before the end of Christmas Eve."

"I need to be with Josh before then." His outstretched arm held the door open for her. She nodded her thanks as she stepped under. 

The last minute Christmas shopping was in full swing. A constant roar filled the mall from the large crowds and a line wrapped around the center of the first story for a chance to visit Santa.

Lacy couldn't help the smile that popped up on her face as she took the atmosphere in. She could feel Christmas in the air and it livened her spirits.

The hanging lights twinkled. The bright wreaths adorned the ceilings. Red and green weren't spared in the decorations. Fake snow sparkled in the reflection of the hanging lights. Children laughed as their parents shopped. Christmas music spilled out from the storefronts as the two of them strolled by.

A Christmas ProposalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora