Chapter Sixty-Six

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"Milo, stop it, you're more Potter than anyone," Elspeth told him, "if you knew your father like I did, you are very similar to him. Especially with your love for the dramatics. You look like him, very often Remus and I have agreed that you talk like him and sound like him. You and Harry take after him a great deal. And just because you're a kitten, it doesn't make you less of a Potter, you know what it means?"


She let out a small chuckle. "It means that you were destined to stand out, to be different and follow your own path, no matter was destined for you. You decided to choose what you wanted to follow. I know things ended up being difficult for you and Harry, perhaps if I served as a better godmother-"

"Aunt El," Milo said in a warning tone. "Stop. Be kinder to yourself."

"I know, I know, it's just hard to get past what I should have done in the past. For you, Harry, and for my own son. You all deserved better. You lucked out, of course, as did Silas with who raised you....but Harry...I don't think I'll ever forgive myself fully for not being better when I needed to be."

"Well, if it offers any help, we all forgive you. There's nothing to forgive you, but we do if it helps you."

"You're so sweet!" She said pulling his head under her arm. "You really are a kitten!"

"No, I'm a ferocious lion or a badger! A badger lion! With a hint of stag!"Milo cried out. "Fear me! FEAR ME!"

"Please, Milo, you're killing me with cuteness!"

She continued to laugh as he let out a pitiful whining noise before he finally accepted defeat. "Alright, alright, I'm precious."

"I heard precious! Who's summoning me?"

The two were nearly knocked off the wall as Silas suddenly appeared in between them. "Hi there, did you two miss me?"

"Aren't you supposed to be studying or something?" Elspeth questioned her son with a smirk. Silas leaned his elbow against the wall and looked at her. 

"Shouldn't you be working, Mother? This looks like time spent slacking off-" Elspeth pushed his elbow causing the boy to fall off the wall and onto the ground. 

"My work is done," she responded. Milo watched in amusement as Silas made a face at his mother from the ground before he scrambled to his feet to chase her. However, as soon as his back was turned to her, she vanished. The younger boy stood in complete shock before he looked all around.

"Where did she go?" He asked turning to Milo.

Milo pointed to the right, even though he didn't have the slightest of a clue. "She went that way!"


Cedric was preparing to pull out all of his hair or stab his eyes out using his quill if he spent any more time reviewing for the upcoming O.W.L.s. He was sure that he was going to do well, but he really didn't want to take any chances, so he was working incredibly hard to make sure he reviewed everything. But at the end of the day, he really just needed something to cheer him up. Entering the Hufflepuff dorms with the intentions of taking a shower and probably falling asleep early, he decided to check in on Milo first as he had hardly seen the boy all day. 

As soon as he walked in, Cedric paused in the doorway as he saw his boyfriend pacing back and forth in the room.

"Don't bother asking why or what," one of Milo's dormmates told him. "We were just going to let him tire himself out and then put him to bed. That's what we normally do when he gets like this, unless you got a better solution."

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