Chapter 6

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The clock chimed to four, which meant that Wallace was about to have tea, and Piella would have her baker's dozen. 

"At last my thirteenth, my baker's dozen" Piella couldn't be more satisfied with herself. But before she was about to place a baker hat on her thirteenth dressmaker dummy, a giant shadow blocked the sunlight that was coming in through the window. 

"What?" Piella looked out the window to see her old Bake-o-lite balloon flying away with Gromit and the others on it. 

"See ya!" Brock and the others waved at Piella. 

"Curse that balloon!" Piella tightened her fists in anger "And curse that revealing southwesterly, they'll be there in no time".

Meanwhile back with Wallace and the rest of the gang~ 

"Ginger, Kali, where are you?" the other chickens thought, knowing they were almost out of time. 

"D'oh, strike a light!" Wallace was having trouble lighting the candle.

"Gromit and Kali to the rescue again!" The beagle cried out when he, Kali, and the others came swinging on a rope, about to crash through the window. 

"In coming!" Kali shouted out, warning the gang to brace themselves. 

"Aaaahhh!" Brock and Nobby were yelling like Tarzan on the rope when Kali and Ginger gave them that look. 

"Sorry, I always wanted to do that" Brock gave his sister a cheesy grin. Kali rolled her eyes in response. 

"Wallace wait!" Ann panicked as he lit the candle on the cake. Just then, Gromit, Kali and the others came crashing through the window and into the dining room. 

"Oh there you are" Wallace smiled as Kali and Gromit slid across the table top, grabbing a flower pot. 

"Way to make an entrance" Bunty commented to Ginger and the others. 

"I think these matches are a bit-" Wallace started right when Gromit and Kali grabbed a flower pot and splashed the water at Wallace, also having the candle go out. 

"Damp" Wallace finished while water dripped from his face, but the candle re-lit. 

"What the!-" Kali and the whole gang exclaimed in confusion and shock. 

"It's one of those joke candles, lads" Wallace chuckled to the group. 

Gromit repeatedly tried putting out the fire on the candle, but no matter how many times he did, it kept re-lighting. 

"That's it i'm getting rid of this thing!" Gromit picked up the cake and headed for the front door. 

"Go Gromit!" The chickens told the beagle. 

"Oi! Where are you going with that cake!" Wallace dove after Gromit, falling to the ground with his dog. Causing Gromit to drop the cake, when a bomb was revealed as it rolled out from inside the cake.

"Gromit, guys, it's a bomb, the cake's a bomb!" Wallace gasped, completely surprised. 

"Really?" Gromit and the whole gang sighed and rolled their eyes. 

"Is he like this all the time?" Mac asked Kali about Wallace being oblivious. 

"You have no idea" The adventure girl sighed to the Scottish hen. 

"Wait a minute. You don't think Piella could be..." Wallace started, asking the gang if Piella was the serial killer. 

"Argh! That's what we've been trying to tell you this whole time!" Brock yelled, a little irritated with Wallace.  

Ginger and Rocky meet Wallace and GromitWhere stories live. Discover now