Reader X Koby "The Bad Girl's Good Boy"

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It was time, right beyond this curtain was a cheering crowd of cutthroats to mofos, faggots to thots, druggies to thieves, the bad to the really, really fucking bad, taking an excited breath, you pulled on the rim of your fingerless gloves, ignoring the itchy feeling of the painted star over your left eye, no doubt the dye in your hair would also annoy you later on, but never did you regret making yourself up like this.

You loved the life that was written out for you, fucked all kinds of bitches, got more money than you could ever spend at once, and best of all, you got to do whatever the fuck you wanted, no one ever dared to try and mess with you, because they all knew that if they tried they'd just end up on your mattress anyway.

Licking your lips, you cheered back to the crowd as the curtains parted to bring you into the light of the stage, "ello thots!" The screaming of the crowd drowned out the troubled, mangled thoughts in your mind, dragging you right into the here and the now, making you internally thankful that life like this existed, a life that allowed someone as toxic as you to get wrecked enough to forget all your problems, to make all the pain that tugged on you constantly to temporarily go numb, even actually feel good if you deluded yourself enough.

Yeah, this was the fucking life.

Gripping ahold of the microphone you began to sing your heart into the bustling crowd, loving the adrenaline that filled you, forcing your body to forget all the stress it was under every twenty four hours.

But suddenly in the middle of your chorus, you almost messed up on the lyrics, suddenly feeling an amazing sensation travel through your body, clamping your joints at the feeling, you tried to act natural, holy shit what was this? This feeling was like when you took heroin, only so much better in every way, before you even knew it, the curtains dropped and your act was over, allowing you to finally collapse onto your knees, your entire frame buckling under the intense pleasure throbbing inside of you.

Where was the source of this amazing feeling? You needed to know, you needed more, "fuck it" without even thinking first, you escaped through the backstage and searched through the partying, and mostly shit faced drunk crowd of boisterous criminals.


Koby was mesmerized, horrified even, he couldn't even begin to fathom whether to just go back to the entrance and leave, he heard the girl performing on stage and felt like collapsing, but no, your singing wasn't bad or anything like that, shit no, the pinkette had to actually check twice to make sure if he wasn't actually hearing the alluring and sinful voice of a demon.

It was the fact that he was listening to his soulmate, that was making him want to leave, a soulmate that didn't believe in him, a soulmate that played around with others instead of him, a soulmate so fucking intimidating and scary that he was simply drowning in your commanding presence.

He could barely feel Helmeppo shaking his shoulder in concern, futilely trying to awake him from his trance, but Koby just couldn't, your sparkling dyed hair, the passionate, excited expression you wore, the way you moved with such conviction, you may have been a devil, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find you to be the darkest and most tempting of evil, one that no doubt was already corrupting him.

The boy was smitten, he was smitten hard and halfway through denial, he couldn't belong with you? Right? You were such a notorious name that sent unpleasant shivers down many people's backs, and he was a soldier of justice, someone who let others at ease and protected those who couldn't defend themselves, how could two opposites like you two make a whole without hurting one another? How could you two possibly make it work without changing at least a little?

One Piece X Reader: SOULMATESHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin