Chapter 39: Nicole

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I hated running, especially when it was mandatory to run a mile for soccer. This time I was running willingly—running away from the guy I can't seem to hate. No matter how bad I have thought of him, I can't ignore the fact that he gave me his everything. No matter how much he has hurt me by leaving, I still couldn't hate him.

How was I supposed to deal with what he has told me? He didn't leave me because he gave up on me. He left because he was being selfless. He left to fix his life before he can be with me.

I don't know how others will see that or think of that, but I see it as a way of him wanting to live a life with me. I saw that as a stepping stone. I saw it us the start of our love story and I badly want to forgive him right now and just be engulfed in his arms. Though, I have no idea why I couldn't just do that.

Maybe because a part of me thinks that I don't deserve it. He, too, does not deserve me. He doesn't deserve a person who can't even make up her mind or give him everything. He doesn't deserve a person like me. He deserves so much better.

"Why are you running?" I hear his voice. I turn my head to see him running up to me. I try to run faster. I didn't exactly know where I was running to. I mean, I've reached the stairs and have past my room floor. This proves my point of me being indecisive. Nash doesn't deserve that. He deserves reassurance of a life full of certainty.

"Stop following me," I called out. I looked up to now see him just a couple of steps closer to me.

"Stop running. You're going to hurt yourself, please," he said back. "Just stop running."

"Well, stop following me," I replied, my voice echoing in the stairwell.

"Just for my birthday, stop running," he said and as soon as I heard him clearly, I stopped on my tracks. I pivoted my footing to face him.

"Today's your birthday?" I questioned. He pants once he reaches up to me. He crouched down and rested his hands on his knees.

"How do you do that?" He asked, referring to me not tired or panting.

"If you didn't know, I dance, cheer, and play soccer, dumbass," I retorted. Though, it still doesn't mean I'm okay with running.

It took him about a minute until his breathing pace was back to normal. "In a minute, it will be my birthday," he said, looking at his wrist watch.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, Happy Birthday!" I was about ready to start walking away from him again until I hear him mutter to his self.

"So difficult." I give him a look, my arms folded against my chest. "What did you say before you started to run from me like I was some lion?"

I laughed at the latter. "I said nothing," I grinned.

"Wipe that grin of yours, babe. Just tell me the truth," he deadpans.

I bit my bottom lip before looking back up to him. "You heard me. Why do I have to say it again?"

"Why can't you just repeat it for me?"

"You can't answer a question with a question," I said.

"Well, I just did, dumbass," he snaps. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Do you really think I'm going to do something about it?"

"I thought you said you can't answer a question with a question, huh?" he questions me.

"Well, I just did, dumbass," I mimicked, "What are you going to do about it?"

"You drive me crazy, babe," he smirks.

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