Chapter Three:

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I awoke to the sound of a guitar playing and several people bouncing on the bed. I groaned.

“Wake up! Love, we have breakfast!”   Zayn announced, jumping on my bed, I groaned more.

“WAKE UP! NOW! WE CANT EAT WITHOUT YOUUU! “ Micky said bouncing on the bed, I sat up glaring at the trio, that was Louis ,Harry, Zayn, Micky.

“Time, to go wake up Emma!”  Micky announced running down the hallway, into Liam's room.

“Ugh, the bloody people.” I said standing up and putting on my jeans, then a t-shirt that says ‘Cheers to  the weekend'.

“Have they woke up, Niall yet?” I asked Zayn, who was standing next to me.

“Nope, only you. They also have to wake up, Faith, then Vikki, then Ivy. Then Liam.” Zayn said,  I rolled my eyes, that wouldn’t go over well, lesson one never wake Ivy up.

“Mhm, that wont go over well, care to go watch them be cursed at?” I asked Zayn, grinning exactly like Ivy. We stood in the door way to Liam's room, we watched them wake up Emma, who looked pissed off.

“WAKEY WAKEY! EGGS AND Bacon!” Louis yelled bouncing On Liam's Bed.

 “Go away,” Liam said, slightly annoyed at them.

“Aright!” Louis yelled jumping off of Liam's bed and jumping onto i'vy's.

“WAKE UP, IVY!” Louis yelled, directly near Ivy's ear, she had her eyes closed still, she reached over and swatted Louis away from her, causing Louis to just about fall off the bed.

“OW!” Louis yelled, as he tumbled off the bed, causing Ivy to sit up and burst into laughter.

“IVY!” Emma yelled, jumping on the bed and making ivy jump around on the bed with her, I joined in and we bounced around.

“What-“ Faith started, after she saw us bouncing on the bed she joined in laughing hysterically.

“Vikki  Love, wake up.” Louis said, shaking Victoria gently, trying to wake her up.

“BOO!” Victoria yelled, causing Louis to scream, causing the rest of us to burst into laughter.

“That was mean!” Louis yelled, putting his hand over his heart, I laughed even more.

“I'm sorry boobear, forgive me?” Victoria asked dramatically, they did a fake hug like they were in a play.

“I- I- cant forgive you.” Louis yelled, dramatically, he after all was only kidding.

“Juliet were art thou?” Zayn said playing along.

“I'm here, my brave knight in shinning armor!” I yelled, everyone who wasn’t acting was sitting on the bed's laughing.

“This is better than cable!” Faith exclaimed  with a smile.

“I'm joining In” Micky said, pulling Harry to where some of us were acting.

“Me too!” Faith said, skipping towards us, followed by Ivy and Niall.

“I'll watch!” Emma said, watching All of us with Liam and   they were laughing and smiling.

“I don’t love you! I love Ivy!” Zayn exclaimed pointing to Ivy who dramatically fainted.

“I don’t love anyone but my boobear!” Harry yelled, grabbing Louis's arm and spinning in a circle with him.

“NOOOO! Boobear is mine!” Victoria yelled, dramatically then fake fainting.

“Niall do something!”  Micky yelled, Niall was fake eating at a table, he then dropped his cup and skipped over to us.

“Niall, save  Vikki!” Louis yelled, skipping still in a circle with Harry.

“I cant, i'm here to rescue the mummy!” Niall said, grinning.

“The mummy?” I said suddenly confused, till I noticed Micky was wrapped in toilet paper..

“NO! save yourself, before it spreads! Then everyone  will become a mummy!” Micky yelled, walking like a mummy, causing me to laugh.

“Run, Juliet save yourself!” Zayn yelled, tackling Micky to the ground.

  Ivy was dancing across the room with Niall, Victoria was doing the irish jig with Faith.  Louis and Harry were doing the tango, Emma And Liam were now dancing across the room,  Ivy was doing a mixture of the irish jig and the Macarena

“Care to dance, love?” Zayn asked me, offering his hand, I reluctantly grabbed his hand.

“Turn on the tunes! Micky.” I yelled to her, she gave me a thumbs up, then turned on Fireflies by Owl City.

“You know, I cant dance. Very well.” I told Zayn, who only laughed finding it amusing.

“Zayn, that isn’t funny.” I said, we were now dancing. But I kept stepping on his foot.

“Sorry!” I said, for the millionth time. I was a clutz, that explained why I couldn’t dance.

“Its fine.” Zayn said.


Sorry to cut it short! And if your wondering why the chapter is in that font, its because it’s the past, not the present. If you stick with the story it will be better after a few chapters.


Ps, The next chapter includes 1D Leaving and going on there U.S tour. then, it involes them I.Ming with the girls.

Also, if you would like to be in this story, comment below or pm me,  and i will put you in:) and it dosent have to be you, you can make a character.

The Girl With The Bubblegum (Niall Horan Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon