Chapter three

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Reece's POV

" hey get a room." I look up from the booth to see that Charlie had yelled at a couple of chicks. A lesbian couple who where on a date. I look at him with a look of disgust and anger filled eyes.

"CHARLIE!" I hiss at him and hit his arm. He looks at me and shrugs. I scowl at his and he just shrugs it off. I sigh and look away.

"I told you I wasn't-" he says but I quickly cut him off.

" I know you did! But I don't really care how you feel about it when we are in public you keep your god damn homophobic stupid opinions to yourself." I hiss at him before storming off.

I keep walking even though my legs tell me to turn around and go and tell Charlie I am sorry for snapping at him, even though that would be totally dishonest of me as I wasn't sorry at all. I meant every world I said to him, in fact I wished I had said more or even said it a lot sooner then I actually did because I knew what it was look to be at the back end of a homophobic comment like the one Charlie had just dished out to those poor girls.

I got back to the flat and and slammed the door shut. I took off my expensive jacket and flung it across the room like it was nothing but a piece of fabric. I was so pissed off I could scream but I didn't out of respect for those who lived above and below us.

So instead I smashed my fist into the wall of the entrance hall. I whimpered for a moment and clenched my hand, but once again my anger had taken over completely, making my other hand feel the exact same way as the hand I had just punched through the wall with.

Then came the tears, they rolled down my face like wall paper rolling down the wall, making my vision blurry meaning I could hardly see in front of me but I ended up finding my way to the big sofa where I just rolled myself into a ball and cried to my hearts content. It got to a point where I could hardly breath I felt like a person who had claustrophobia would if they was trapped inside a Wooden box that was shut tight and was to short and weak to push themselves out.

I shook like crazy and I couldn't feel anything. I felt numb every time I heard Charlie say that or anything remotely homophobic I flipped and freaked out just like I was doing and there was nothing I could do. The guy I loved like crazy was the biggest homophobe I knew. But I knew if I said anything about it then that would be me out the band which would end in my life sucking.

I can't do anything, even if I tried. I wasn't sure if I could move. Charlie and I only ever seem to fight about things like this. I guess it was because I wanted to know how he could be so homophobic even though both his mum and dad are fine with people loving people of the same sex.

The front door opens and I don't move, heck I couldn't move. I hear one of the boys sigh as they see the broken wall in the entrance hall. My eyes are closed but I can still tell where about's in the room Charlie is. He walks right passed me without saying one single word. When I know he had left the room I sit up as best as I could. Again all eyes were on me. I look down and walk past them all and go into the kitchen, I grab a glass and fill it with water. I then turn around and come face to face with my band mates so I look down and try to move past them but Barclay grabs me before I could get passed them.

" barcs let go of me right now." I whisper in a small but broken voice. He doesn't let go instead he narrows his eyes and pulls me into some sort of hug thing.

" Reece." He it comes. Are you gay? Maybe. Well then you you can't be in the band. None of us want some animal in the band. What you are is sick. No one wants some fag in the group, Charlie made that clear. That what I imagine would happen after I heard Barclay say my name.

But instead he turns round and say in a gentle tone " Are you okay?" I just shake my head as I hold back the tears That are swelling up in my eyes.

" what's wrong? Why did You flip out at Charlie like that?" I pull away from his hug and walk toward the island. I take a seat next to James and he places and arm around me. I don't bother answer but James does.

" maybe because what Charlie said was wrong. Yes we all know how he feels about it, but doing shit like that to anybody is not right." He hisses at barcs and I give him a faint smile of agreement.

"He is up in our room, I am not going up there." I whisper while shaking my head. Barclay sighs and comes over.

" no problem you can stay in one of our rooms or the guest room." Barcs says and with that I chose the guest room because although I don't like sleeping alone I hate to annoy the boys by having to have an angry Reece sleeping on their bedroom floor.

We all walk upstairs to the guest room as none of us have actually been in it since we first moved in, but as we wonder the long ass hall we pass Mine and Charlie's room and as we do i walk slower just to catch a glimpse of...

...Charlie kneeling on the bedroom with his face in a distort manner. His hair is a mess and I started to feel a sense of guilt. I wanted to talk to him but I knew that I shouldn't.

I knew I was right. I knew I shouldn't say sorry, I mean not that I was going to anyway. If Charlie wanted to talk to me he would come and find me.

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I'm in love with a homophobe/ C.Jones and R.Bibby Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя