Chapter two

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Reece's POV

I wake up with a small jolt. I look around and almost freeze as I feel arms around me, but as soon as I realise they are Charlie's arms I relax. Suddenly out of no where my pulse rises again all because of the proximity between us.

I look around and see that we are still in the living room. Charlie must of fallen asleep asleep too. I smile faintly. I turn in his arms and bury myself face first into his beautiful chest. He groans and grabs at me, I try not to squeal like a child on Christmas but I fail.

I liked it when Charlie touched me, not sexually, just in general. He made me feel safe, cared for, protected and... well... loved. Something I haven't felt in a long time. His warmth made my heart gush. I know all of this makes me seem like a lovestruck teen, but I'm not... it's just... well... umm... I love him.

" morning love birds." I look up to see barcs looking down at us and so I shush him.

" he is still asleep." I say in a hushed but sharp tone and barcs just smirks. Then he nods with a knowing glance and leaves the room. Lovebirds? Surely not. Me and Charlie would never be a couple, I had given up on that becoming a reality months ago.

* Flash back*

" eww! No way." Charlie said with a disgusted look upon his beautifully pigmented face. My pulse picked up to that of someone doing a marathon and I look at him all wide eyed and teary, but his eyes are not filled with remorse for what he had just said.

" what? Why not?." Casey questioned and Charlie just scrunched his nose up while he thought of his answer.

" cause that is gross. Two guys aren't... No!" Charlie exclaims. I look at him as I feel the pain from what he had said build up in my chest. I look down and tighten my fists. I then get up from my seat and glare deathly at Charlie who is still sitting down on the sofa. By this time all the boys are looking at me watching to see which way I switch thanks to my bipolar. But i stick to anger.

" gay marriage and straight marriage are like bikini tops and bras. They are the exact same thing just one is acceptable in public. Isn't that the way you see it Charlie?" I spit at him before running off with tears in my eyes and leaving him and the other lads shocked.

*end of flash back*

I sat there twiddling with my hands while I remembered that awful day. It was only horrible because it was the only time I had ever argued with Charlie. Now we don't even talk about it, even though we didn't speak for almost a week after it happened, but eventually the boys felt enough was enough and locked us in a room and wouldn't let us out until we had made up. Lucky enough it took half hour for Charlie to apologise but said he wouldn't change his beliefs and I reluctantly agreed that I wasn't going to make him change his mind.

"Hmmm" I hear and look up to see Charlie awakening with a stretch. He just smiles down at me.

" good morning reecey." I laugh lovingly at his nickname for me. He smiles and then runs his fingers gracefully through his hair. I catch my breath in my throat as I find it hard to breath around him when he does stuff like that. He stops and looks at me, I clear my airway from that breath I held in and do the same thing with my fingers going through my hair.

"Sleep well?" He mumbles as he slips away and I feel a bit empty inside. I try and hide the disappointment through a gritted smile.

"Yeah surprisingly well." I say in a shocked but mocking tone and he just chuckles.

"have you seen the couch?" He says pointing out the dents our bodies have made in it. I just chuckle and nod.

He then motions for me to follow him into the kitchen, I presume as he is always hungry in the morning. I watch him, following his every move around the kitchen, I know that is a little wired but I like it. It makes me feel good when I already know his next move.

Charlie goes to the cabinet and grabs two bowls one purple and the other blue, the same colour as our microphone taps as his is purple and mine is blue. He then goes to the fridge and grabs the milk, a cartoon of orange juice and a cartoon of apple juice as it is my day to have apple juice. So I stand up and go to the cutlery draw and grab two spoons. He then goes over to the cereal cabinet and grabs my cereal and his own.

"You two are like a well oiled machine." Chris's immaculate Irish accent says from behind us. I turn around and see Chris hasn't done his hair yet, well the little bit he has left anyway. I wish he would grow it back as us boys and the fans prefer his old hair.

" HA HA very funny Leonard." Says Charlie in his sarcastic tone. While I'm frozen to the spot, not because I am nervous but just because I actually want to be a well oiled machine with Charlie.

Charlie then place milk in both our bowl after I had poured us both cereal of course. I could see him over my shoulder as I reached for two glasses but of course I ended up having to reach on my tippy toes. I feel a body behind me and I just freeze. Then I feel breath fan my neck.

"You need to grow a bit shorty." Says Charlie and I'm still frozen to my spot.

Then the boys start to file in and tom stops to talk.

"Aye up? You all right Reece." He asks concerned while trying to sound like me. I spin around while nodding my head.

"Yeah just-" I start to say as I catch a glimpse of Charlie, who is eating his cereal and has save me a spot next to him.

"I'm fine thanks mate." I say and he nods. I then take my seat next to Charlie and he just smiles at me as if to say nothing has happened.

But then again in his head nothing had happened.

I'm in love with a homophobe/ C.Jones and R.Bibby Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt