XVIII. Games

293 11 5

Classes have finally started for me again, and I'm excited. However, this takes away time for me to work on my stories, and so I may only update this story every two weeks. I'll try to keep my updating consistent from now on.

I don't own anything.
The green sun forces your eyes awake. Why did this window have to face the sunrise? Of all days you could have slept in, you're up early now. You glance at the clock. 08:35. Okay... maybe you did sleep in considering most of the time you had to wake up three hours earlier.

You force yourself to a sitting position. The air smells crisp, like it usually does in the morning. Poking your head out the window, you gaze at the greenish lighting that has spread across the plains. It's rather calming in a way. Who knew a green sun could have such nice lighting?

Suddenly, you hear yelling from down the hall. Sounds like the stormtroopers were at it again. You pull yourself away from the window and run down the hall to the main room. Len is the first one to greet you with a large pan and an egg carton in hand. "Good morning, Officer (Name)," she says brightly. "I hope you slept well."

"Very," you said. You peek past her shoulder to see Matsuda carrying an angry Mello bridal style. Mello is shouting incoherent words while Matsuda is singing and prancing around the room. At the kitchen table, Orson is ignoring them while Near and Ryuzaki are watching the two with deep interest.

You take your seat next to Orson. "What's going on with them today?"

"I honestly don't know. I lost track of their conversation. Hey! DT-MA!" Krennic claps his hands together, making Matsuda drop Mello as she saluted. "That's enough. Come sit down for breakfast." She does so eagerly, pushing Near off his chair to sit next to Ryuzaki so she can describe the rock she found during her night watch. Ryuzaki mutters some things to her while Krennic pinches the bridge of his nose. "I've gotta teach her some manners."

"Does she do this around the higher ups?" You ask. He shakes his head, stating that she mostly stands on guard nearby. "Then don't change her. Len doesn't seem to mind and I don't mind. Let her be herself."

"It's true," Len called from the kitchen. "I don't mind."

Orson nods in agreement, however he still had a slightly concerned look on his face. Perhaps he knew something you didn't, but you didn't want him changing Matusda into someone she wasn't. She wasn't the most adaptable person anyway. You tried to teach her how to use a computer and she couldn't concentrate. Her mind has been elsewhere, possibly on the clay jar she broke and tried to fix with tape.

Might as well leave things where they were and only keep her from becoming even more rowdy.

The smell of food drifting from the kitchen makes your mouth water. You watch Len build up a hearty morning breakfast. She serves it to you before anything has a chance to cool. "There you go, (Ms./Mr.) (Name). I hope you enjoy."

"Thank you, Len." You take a bite of your food. Savory flavor a rush over your tongue, making you smile. For such a deserted place, Len could cook.

Matsuda suddenly bangs her fork against the table. "Happy Anniversary, Director!" She says.

Your heart stopped. Was Krennic married and you didn't know about it?

Apparently not, because Orson is as confused as you are. "For what?"

"Since you met (L/Name)!"

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