XVI. Len Tuttle

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I may switch up my posting schedule to Saturdays because Mondays just aren't working for me anymore.
Your muscles ache badly as you stepped out of the shower. The heated water felt so soothing over your body and yet you couldn't rid of the soreness you gained from walking. You dry yourself off quickly and dress. Then you head into the living room.

Though the little cottage is small, it fit all six of you plus the owner of the place. Upon your group's arrival after following the smoke stack, she had gratefully welcomed your party in and offered all six of you a place to stay for the night.

You kneel down next to where Orson is eating at the low table with no seating. He glances at you and though he doesn't smile, you can tell he's glad you're here. You squeeze his hand quickly before the owner of the house walks over.

Her red hair flows over her shoulders as she serves you a plate of food. She has a thin face and doesn't look to be more than 20-25 years of age. Like Orson, she has bright blue eyes but they don't match the beauty of his. Rather, they seem to be holding secrets in them and you immediately begin to question whether being here is the best thing.

She serves the remaining troops before dishing food up for herself. She then kneels down next to Matsuda, who begins petting her hair. The woman glances towards Matsuda, giving her a strange look before Orson speaks. "Forgive Matsuda for her actions. She doesn't get to see other women often."

The redheaded woman raises her eyebrow slightly towards Orson before speaking. "It's fine. She's not the first who has taken great liking to my hair." You fight back a snort of amusement.

Orson then switches the subject. "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves yet. I am Director Orson Krennic and this is my associate, Private (Full Name)." Associate? You're more than his associate for Kriff's sake! You've kissed the guy! "These are my personal troopers, however I'd prefer you call them by their given name, as it can be a mouthful to say their true name."

She nods politely as she takes a bite of her food. She seems to be a person of high class. She holds herself as though her back is a stick and she eats the smallest bites of food you have ever seen someone eat. Meanwhile you enjoy shoveling the food into your mouth. So much for class on your part.

"A fine deal to make your acquaintance, Director. My name is Len Tuttle. I hope you don't find the state of my house too repulsing. I have not gotten around the cleaning it properly this week." Oh please. This place looks like a cottage palace. Everything is organized! There probably isn't a speck of dust in the entire-

"If you think this is bad, you should see my office space." You want to jump off a cliff right now. Len raises an eyebrow at your remark and Ryuzaki and Near shoot you disapproving looks. Matsuda bursts out laughing and Mello has a look of 'I'm not with her/him,' on his face. Orson doesn't turn your direction though you can see his grip has tightened around his fork. You bite your lip, wishing you could turn back time and take your remark back.

Orson take a deep breath and tries to fix the awkward situation. "It will suit us. None of us are very picky about household cleanliness at the moment."

Len nods and smiles a little. "I appreciate it." She glances at Near, who is giving her the death glare. Len's eyes slowly turn to Mello, who eats like a robot. Ryuzaki seems to be the only trooper who adapted to the situation easily aside from Matsuda. Speaking of Matsuda, she has wandered off towards the back of the cottage. Krennic motions towards Ryuzaki and the Death Trooper grumbles before standing to follow Matsuda.

Len places her drinking cup down in the table. "Director Krennic, are you not the one who plans on bringing the Galaxy to peace with a super weapon?"

Orson tenses up. Suddenly his face deepens into a scowl. "What makes you say that?"

"If you didn't want the Galaxy to know, you should not have allowed your colleague to announce its presence over the Galaxy radio transmission."

Now you're just plain confused. Even Mello and Near share your feelings. They glance back and forth between Orson and Len. Mello catches your eyes and searches you, most likely for an explanation. It's too bad you not have one.

"I'm not aware of any colleague who would say something as absurd as that," Krennic says.

"Barcalon was her name. She admitted it was fine work of yours but it was starting to become sloppy and she planned on fixing it." Barcalon again? Why did it always have to be her? "Director, I must insist, a super weapon cannot bring peace to the Galaxy. You're confusing peace with terror."

Okay, now this woman is stepping over the line. "You're not the first one to think that," Krennic says.

"As a citizen under Imperial control, I believe I have a right to express my feelings about a certain issue."

Orson gives a light scoff. "I assume you were once affiliated with the Republic? You think very much like them and speak like a person of high class." Yes, she was of high class, but so was Orson in some ways, though he was less refined than Tarkin. But that's not your problem.

"The Republic was destroyed nearly nineteen years ago," Len points out. "It doesn't matter if my affiliation was once with them. It no longer is and has not been for a long time."

"I disagree," Orson says. "Many people still think the way the Republic did and has caused the Empire quite a bit of annoyance with their attempts to reclaim what they've "lost"."

The tension between the two has picked up speed immensely and you have become somewhat uncomfortable.  What makes things worse is the glare Len shoots Orson when she lowers her drink. "Then do something about it. After all, aren't the Imperials the new peacekeepers of the Galaxy?"

"Peacekeepers?" He smirks and shakes his head a little. "That is ridiculous. There is no peacekeeping in times of war. You can't win a war by peacekeeping. If one side doesn't fight, there is no war."
Guess who got their driver's license! THE ROADS WILL NEVER BE SAFE AGAIN MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Okay, aside for that, what do you think of Len? She and Krennic certainly didn't hit it off well.

I really don't know what I'm going to do with her. Hopefully I'll be able to tie it all in later.

Anyways, you know what to do and if not, please comment or vote or both. Tell me what you did/didn't like or tell me how to improve. Or just tell me to hurry my ass up and keep updating.

Yeah... I expect a few comments rephrasing the previous sentence...

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