XVII. The Past Hurts

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"OW!! STOP IT!!" Merrit whacked Daeny over the head with her pillow, causing the twenty-three year old to fall over.

"Hey! You asked for the pillow fight!" Daeny reminded her.

"I didn't ask for you to clobber me that hard!"

"Girls are such chickens!" Daeny laughed. Merrit forced Daeny to take that back by hitting him repeatedly until he apologized for his remark.

Collin, you and Rina watch the spectacle. "The idea is to play cards, not give each other a concussion!" You laugh.

"Yeah!" Daeny nods vigorously. "You should listen to (Name)!"

"Oh, grow up!" Merit yells. Yet she and Daeny scoop up their cards and sit down around the small stack.

The game proceeded for a little while with very little talk. Finally Collin broke the silence by asking "Does anyone know where Felici is?"

"You worry too much," said Daeny. "Felici is fine. He's probably of flirting with some woman, you know the way he is."

Collin nods slowly but you can see he's not eased. You too had begun to wonder where Felici ran off to. Felici hadn't been spending as much time with the group as he used to. Rina and Daeny both suspected there was a love interest at play and no one knew about it. Collin worried Felici was in trouble and you wondered if Felici was pulling a prank on a higher up. Merrit couldn't care less.

Felici came in just as you won the game. "We'll look who finally decided to get his ass back home and join us," Daeny snickers. "Where ya been?"

"Oh, around," Felici responds, giving a sheepish smile.

"Well now that you're here, we should play another round!" Rina chimes.

"Dude! No way!" Daeny says. "(Name) keeps winning the game!"

"It's because I'm amazing," you say, striking a model pose.

Felici joins your group. "Okay! Sounds good! What are we playing?"
Barcalon's P.O.V.

"Ms. Reid, the six have been successfully ejected from the Quindecim. They have been left with the appropriate gear to survive as you requested."

"Excellent work, Private Haz." I smile down at the small Mon Calamari Private. Never before have I felt so good about my decisions. "Prepare the Quindecim for the jump to light speed. We've got some other Imperials to deal with. And get Holst in here."

Haz nods and runs off. He's still trembling slightly from the shock of the stormtroopers shooting his friend, Private (Full Name). But it was necessary. (L/Name) was far too attached to my cousin and there was no way I could sway them to my side. So I had to dispose of them.

As for Haz and (L/Name)'s roommates, Holst was dealing with them. I don't know what he did with them but I'm sure it was good.

Holst suddenly entered the bridge. I don't need to turn around to recognize the irregular pattern of his gait. He was shot in the leg years ago and it affected the way he walked. "You asked for me?" He says.

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