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Chelsea's POV
Today is Jason's birthday, and I can't wait for him to see what I got for him. He is still sleeping upstairs, and I'm down in the kitchen making him breakfast. I'm flipping the pancakes over when I feel arms wrap around my waist. "It smells so good in here." Jason says kissing my cheek. "Well I was going to bring it to you in bed, but you ruined it." I say with a smile, putting some pancakes on his plate, before turning around to kiss him. "You know that I don't like being in bed without you." "Ok, let's eat. We have to get ready, you're birthday present will be here soon."

"Baby, come here! Your birthday present just got delivered!" I yell to Jason, who is down in the basement. When he comes up the stairs, I'm waiting for him with a blind fold. "Do I really have to wear that?" Jase asks with a groan. "If you want your gift you do." I say with a smirk, before tying the blind fold around his eyes. I'm leading him out the front door, and I can't help but to be excited. "Why couldn't we have done this inside? It's so cold." "It won't fit in the house baby." I walk him to the edge of the driveway and let go of his hand. "Alright, you can look now." Jason takes of the blindfold and looks in front of him. "This is for me?" He asks with a surprised look. "Of course it is." He walks over to it and looks all over the truck. "Do you like it?" "Hell yeah! Baby I love it. Thank you." "Only the best for you." I toss him the keys and smile. "Let's go for a drive."

Jason's POV
I can't believe that Chelsea bought me a truck! It's the truck she saw me looking at about a week ago. "Let's go for a drive." Chelsea says, after tossing me the keys. She walks over to the passenger side of the truck and waits for me to come open her door. Before I open her door, I gently push her up against the truck, and kiss her roughly. "Thank you for my truck baby. You didn't have to do this." I tell her as I pull away. "I know I didn't but you deserve it. Plus, you do so much for me. I love you, now let's get in the truck, because I'm freezing my ass off." I laugh and help her into the truck before heading to the driver's side.

Chelsea and I are driving through the streets of Nashville listening to music, and enjoying each others company. She's dancing around and singing to every song that comes on. Chelsea leans over and turns the radio down. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She asks with a serious look. "You know you can." "I know that we talked about getting married in the summer, but I was thinking about moving it up." "How soon were you thinking baby?" I ask her, getting curious. "Well, you have some time off around the end of March. I was thinking about March 25th, and then we can take that whole next week for the honeymoon." "The sooner I can make you my wife, the better. I think that's a great plan." I tell her with a smile, and I watch her smile grow wider. "It looks like we are getting married in 3 weeks. We better get started."

It's Always Been YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora