Chapter 1

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Aragorn lies on the ground, listening to any signs to where the Uruks are. He suddenly jumps to his feet and talks really fast.

"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our scent, hurry!"

Of course those evil creatures decide to run with more speed. Aragorn sprints, then Legolas and me, with Gimli behind.

"Come on, Gimli!", Legolas says to the dwarf.

"Three days and nights pursuit..." Gimli reflects, in between breaths, "No food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell."

We continue to run. Gimli's right, we had three days and nights with little breaks. Even I am starting to get tired. I'm surprised the dwarf is still standing.

We have to keep going though to find Merry and Pippin. Uruks took them and we have been following their trail ever since. If we don't reach them the poor hobbits will suffer for sure. I guess that's all why we can still run, to rescue Merry and Pippin from their deaths in time.

After a few more hours of pure running we stop in a valley. I can sense the Uruks have been here. Something green sparkles in the mud a few feet away from me. I pick it up and recognize the object instantly. Aragorn holds out his hand and I give the Lothlorien brooch to him.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.", he says, examining the leaf-shaped brooch.

I can tell Aragorn is waiting for me to add something to his comment. Normally I would but I stay quiet. A flicker of concern crosses his face but vanishes quickly. He then turns to Legolas.

"They may yet be alive.", Legolas states.

"Less than a day ahead of us." Aragorn observes, "Come!"

As we start to run again Gimli falls down. I pull him up to his feet and we carry on.

"Come Gimli! We are gaining on them.", I hear Legolas behind me.

"I'm wasted in cross-country." Gimli complains, "We dwarfs are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances."

A smile forms on my lips. Aragorn notices and looks relieved. After another hour we stop on a hill, overlooking some plains.

"Rohan." Aragorn interrupts the silence, "Home of the horse-lords. Something strange is at work here. It sets it's will against us."

Legolas searches the land ahead of us.

"Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?", Aragorn asks.

"The Uruks turn Northeast." he reports, "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

"Saruman must want the hobbits for something." Aragorn confirms, "He probably thinks they have the Ring."

We start to run again.

"Keep breathing, that's the key!" Gimli says reassuring himself, "Breathe!"

Merry and Pippin stumble in the dark. Battle surrounds them. They escape into a forest. A very different forest...

I shake the vision off. There is no time for me to get distracted. Legolas must have seen me freeze for he's about to ask.

"What was th-"

I shake my head in response. He looks a little hurt, but doesn't continue his question.

"A red sun rises. Blood has been split this night.", Legolas says instead.

The battle that I just saw, that's what it is. I look up at the sky and see that Legolas is right. Suddenly the sound of horse hooves echo throughout the land.

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