Chapter 8: Samurai

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It seemed like, in the span of a single day, the flowers that surrounded the drab walls of the school had bloomed into a sea of raging colour. The defence-Attorney-to be paid little heed to the lessons ahead, silently wishing to be out among the flowers, surrounded by their welcoming scent. Phoenix unhooked the electric blue charm from his bag and held it tightly in his hand, running his thumb over the indents while almost mindlessly scrawling words onto the paper in front of him. He glanced toward Miles, a soft smile spreading across his features as he noticed a similar charm in red sitting beside his hand.

Phoenix waved the charm in front of Miles' face, to the latter' surprise. "Kick enemies to the curb, and sally forth... signal blue" he whispered in a strange contortion of his own voice,

"You're facing me," Miles began, picking up the small charm and twirling it around by the clip, "...and I shall stop thee...signal red"

The two erupted into laughter, earning a couple of confused glances from their classmates.

Phoenix wiped a happy tear from the corner of his eye, "I had no idea you liked the signal samurai!"

The prosecutor-to-be held his side with the last of his laughter, "I've need a fan since I was a young child, I always had to convince my father to turn off the evening news to watch it. I still watch similar things now to be honest,"

"I've got a few old drawings of the characters if you'd like them" Phoenix rifled through his bag and pulled out a little art folder,

"I haven't really got anywhere to put them, and they're honestly not that good..." he held the papers out to the other boy with a wide grin, "I hope you like them,"



Yeah, I haven't been here much but I'll try to remember to update this when I can, I never wanted to give up on this book... and I'm not planning on doing that yet :D.

I also wanted to say that if anyone would like writing tips or prompts then feel free to message me, I always love the ping of my inbox :3

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