Chapter 8-The Black Castle

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Wendy's POV.
I slowly opened my eyes and placed my hand on my head in pain. I slowly stood up and looked around noticing that I was inside a house made of leaves, twigs, and vines, the house had a windows, a chimney, and a door. I stopped looking around when I heard a knocking at the door.

Third POV.
Wendy opened the door to see boys kneeling on the ground apologizing
"We're sorry" Wendy smiled in forgiveness and said
"Its alright, it was an accident" the boys stood up and smiled at Wendy in relief, they were interrupted when Peter and Rosetta came in view.

Wendy's POV.
I looked up from the boys and saw Peter with another girl she had long black hair, violet eyes that were glassy and pale skin overall she was beautiful, I envyed her especially her eyes it reminded me of the flower. I saw how Peter held her close with one arm around her waist while he held her hand I grew jealous,  but hid it well with a fake smile.

Rosetta's POV.
When we arrived I sensed the area there was the boys and someone else which I guessed was Wendy, something was off about her by the sound of her heart beat like she's hiding something, I ignored it and called out to the boys
"Boys, there you all are, lunch is ready" I said smiling at them, the boys cheered
"But before we can eat, who shot the arrow?" I asked them

Third POV.
Silence fell the area the boys gulped nervously and looked at Tootles who was sweating
"Um I-I did mother" Tootles stuttered
Rosetta nodded and closed her eyes thinking of a punishment for him and the other boys
"Boys" she said the lost boys stiffened and waited for her verdict with anticipation "Cubby, Nibs, Slightly, and the twins are grounded for one week and no weapons for you 5 during that week" the 5 boys whined in protest "don't whine and as for you Tootles" she continued "grounded for two weeks, no weapons and have to do the laundry for a month"
"Aww, man" Tootles whined and was about to protest, but was quickly cut off
"No, buts Tootles, butts are for sitting" the other boys including Peter laughed at her joke, Tootles frowned,  but later laughed with the rest of them.
"I'm sorry, Wendy for how we greeted you, I'm Rosetta Gale by the way" Rosetta introduced herself
"I'm Wendy Darling" Rosetta smiled liking her name
"Well, Wendy Darling, Welcome​ to Neverland" the two girls giggled as the boys laughed. Once the laughter died down Peter and Rosetta told the lost boys to show Wendy their hideout while the two of them stayed behind to discuss other things.
When the lost boys and Wendy left to the hideout Rosetta asked Peter something that discussed about Tinkerbell
"Peter, did you think it was the right thing to banish Tinkerbell? She is our friend" Peter thought about it for a while then answered
"I don't know, once Wendy showed up Tink as been different" Rosetta nodded and left the subject alone for now and said
"Maybe we can ask Tink if we find her, for now lets go to the hideout everyone is waiting for us" Peter agreed wrapping his arm around Rosetta's waist he guided her to the hideout so she wouldn't trip or fall on anything.

Time skip
When Peter and Rosetta arrived at the hideout, Peter saw the lost boys and Wendy eating the lunch that Rose made. After all of them ate Rosetta went to Peter's and her room for a nap since it was a long day, before she went to their room she told Peter to hide the lost boys weapons.

Peter POV.
"Peter don't forget to hide the boy's weapons" she told me
"Alright Rose" I said to her, Rose smiled as she walked away to our room to take a nap. I walked towards the boys and told them to hand over their weapons
"Boys weapons, mothers orders" I told them holding my arms out, the boys groaned and obeyed handing me all their weapons I laughed and began to hide them in our room being careful not to wake Rose up. When I finished I looked Rose while she slept, 'she changed so much' I thought has I moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. After getting my thought together I headed back to everyone else then one of the twins asked me where mother was
"Where's mother?"
"She's fine just taking a nap" I told him, when he walked away to the other boys Wendy came to me and started to talk to me asking questions about Rosetta like who she was and what was she to me, I was confused by her questions, I was about to answer but was interrupted when the boys told Wendy if she could tell them a story
"Sure, I tell everyone a story, I'm sure Michael and John would too" Wendy paused for a minute then shouted
"Michael, John my brothers!!!"
Oh crude.

Rosetta's POV.
I woke up by hearing screaming 'what happened?' I thought I got out of bed and went to where the commotion was and asked
"What's wrong"
"Wendy's brothers I think there in danger" Peter told me
"Oh dear" I said worried

Time skip

Third POV.
Peter and Rosetta decided to visit the mermaids in mermaid lagoon to see if they know where Wendy's brothers are. Rosetta told the lost boys to stay behind for now and wait for them if the news. While Peter carried Rosetta bridal style as he flew with Wendy flying next to him.

Rosetta's POV.
While Peter carried me while Flying with Wendy flying next to him. I had a feeling someone was staring at me so I decided to speak up
"Is something wrong?"
"What do mean, Rose?" Peter asked me
"I'm wondering if someone is staring at me?" I said
"Um... I'm just wondering if you can fly?" Wendy asked,
"I can fly, but at the same time I can't" I explained, I think she was confused so I explained more to Wendy
"The reason why its difficult for me to fly Wendy is because I can't see, I'm blind"

Wendy's POV.
"The reason why its difficult for me to fly, Wendy is because I can't see, I'm blind" I was speechless all I could say was
"Oh" I started to feel bad for Rosetta and didn't say anything else during the journey.

Peter's POV.
It was quiet during the whole journey to mermaid lagoon, when we landed,  three mermaids appeared and greeted Rose and I but were skeptical of Wendy
"How sweet" Wendy said in awe, I gave Wendy a 'are you serious' face which made her confused
"Mermaids aren't sweet?" She asked
"Unless they drown you if you get to close" I warned, Rose and I spoke to the mermaids about Wendy's brothers and told us that Hook as them at the black castle. I turned towards Wendy to tell the news and saw one of the mermaids about to drown her, I quickly pulled her away and scared the mermaids away
"Are you alright Wendy?" Rose asked
"I'm ok" Wendy replied still a little shaken up,
"The mermaids said Hook as your brothers at the black castle" I announced

Time skip
Third POV.
After Peter, Wendy, and Rosetta went back to the hideout to get the lost boys and their weapons, Rosetta changed into her battle wear

 After Peter, Wendy, and Rosetta went back to the hideout to get the lost boys and their weapons, Rosetta changed into her battle wear

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(Similar but its blue and gold)
And placed her twin swords on her back

Once everyone was prepared they left to the black castle to rescue Michael and John from Hook

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Once everyone was prepared they left to the black castle to rescue Michael and John from Hook.

Blind Light (peter pan 2003)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt