Chapter Forty Nine

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Text between Auston & Masie

My king🤴🏻💞

My queen👸🏼💞

My king🤴🏻💞
I miss you

My queen👸🏼💞
I miss you too but I have some exciting news!!

My king🤴🏻💞
What is it! Tell me!!

My queen👸🏼💞
The photoshoot I had one week ago..

My king🤴🏻💞
Yess, what about it! Your making me nervous!

My queen👸🏼💞
They want me to sign a contract with them!!

Babe? Are you okay?

My king🤴🏻💞
Yeah, I'm fine. Are you going to sign it?

My queen👸🏼💞
I don't know, should I?

My king🤴🏻💞
Well do you want to?

My queen👸🏼💞
Well yeah, it's been my dream well besides hockey

My king🤴🏻💞
Well sign it!! What are you waiting for?!

My queen👸🏼💞
Omg, I'm so excited! Thanks for being supportive babe!

My king🤴🏻💞
I'm going to support you in every decision you make

But your going to still live in Ottawa right?

My queen👸🏼💞
If I do sign it, I have to live in Los Angeles. Why?

My king🤴🏻💞
Woah, that's too far away.

My queen👸🏼💞
I know, but we could still make this work, right?

My king🤴🏻💞
Well yeah, if you want to then I'm in, but I'm going to miss you

My queen👸🏼💞
I'm going to miss you too

My king🤴🏻💞
Wait did you tell people?

My queen👸🏼💞
No, your the first one

My king🤴🏻💞
What about hockey?

My queen👸🏼💞
Well I can't be at two places at the same time, why are you asking me so many questions?

My king🤴🏻💞
I'm just wondering, but I actually have to go. Love you💕

My queen👸🏼💞
Okay I love you too💗

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