Common Passion And Feelings

Start from the beginning

The following days, he kept trying to flirt with her but she brushed it off every time. But he didn't give up. He had no idea why he had the need to do this but he just couldn't help himself.

One day, they were all alone at home, his parents were both working and the staff was busy doing their work. He was sitting in the living room, flipping through channels, when Luna came downstairs to see what he was doing.

He didn't hear her walk in the room so he jumped a little when she started speaking: "Hi, what are you doing?"

"I'm just flipping through channels." He said casually.

"Bored, huh?" she immediately know what was happening.

"Yes, kind of."

"Me too." She shyly admitted. She looked down at the ground when she said this.

"Maybe we can figure out to do something together." He proposed.

She lighted up almost immediately: "Sounds fun." That Huge smile was back. How he loved that smile.

"So what did you like to do in Mexico?" he asked.

"I really loved skating." She admitted.

"Really, you do? I love skating as well." He said enthusiastically. Then he came up with an idea. "Do you have your roller skates with you?"

She was a little confused by this question but she answered anyway: "Yes, they're in my room."

He got up from the couch and said: "Go get them, there's something I want to show you."

She frowned but obeyed anyway.

They skated on the streets together. They stopped at the entrance of a very colorful building. Luna couldn't believe what she was seeing. There were skaters all around them and Matteo smiled at her as he noticed that she seemed to love the place. "Come on." He took her hand and led her inside. She was happily surprised by her surroundings. "Welcome to Jam & Roller, one of the best skating rinks in Buenos Aires."

"Wow, this place is amazing, Matteo. I love it." She turned to look him into the eyes. "Thank you for bringing me here." Matteo looked in her eyes as well, he drowned in them. He has never seen anything this beautiful green. He could look in them for hours and he wouldn't get bored. Suddenly, he got a warm and fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure what it was exactly but he didn't want it to go away. They stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a while. Forgetting what was happening around them.

Luna was the one to finally look away. Even if she didn't want to. She skated to the rink and he followed her.

"Do you know anything about freestyle?" he asked after she stopped to wait for him.

"Freestyle? What is that?" he could see the big question mark appearing on her face.

"It's dancing on skates." He said casually.

"Can you show me?" she asked him carefully.

"Sure." He skated a little backwards to make room for himself and showed her a couple of moves that were easy to learn.

"Wow that was amazing. Can you teach me that one trick where you jump?" she asked, excited now.

"Okay, sure. So when you want to jump, you have to create some speed and then you support on your knees and go down a little and then you just jump as high as you can. When you lead you have to rely on your knees again. Make sure that they support as much weight as possible. Got it? Try it."

She nodded and tried out the trick but when she tried to land, she landed on the ground instead of on her feet and he immediately skated to her to see if she's okay. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, don't worry. I guess I need more practice." She tried to stand up but when she couldn't, he quickly aided her and reached out his hands for her to take them. As she tried to pull herself up, he slipped and he fell on her. They were both laughing the situation they got themselves in. He looked her in the eyes and his eyes went down to her lips. They were so pretty, he never realized that before. His eyes went between her eyes and her lips the entire time and she just kept looking into his eyes. After a while, he stopped thinking and started acting. He made a move on her. He brushed his lips against hers and gave her a soft and tender kiss. He was careful, this way she could pull away if she wanted to, but she didn't. In fact, she made the kiss deeper and stronger. He kissed her back with a lot of passion. He couldn't help but smile and regretted the fact that he didn't do this earlier. After a few moments they pulled away and he helped her get up. They went back to the lesson he gave her and both tried to pretend that what they just did, never happened. But they couldn't stop thinking about it. Sooner or later, they both knew, they were going to have to talk about it. But not now, not just yet.

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