Chapter 1: Other Family

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Chapter 1: Other Family

After riding the Hogwarts Express back to London, we had to depart from then on. I said good bye to all of my friends and went around to look for who I was supposed to be staying with. My mother didn't want me back, obviously, because she was jealous that I was a witch and she was a Squib. Of course I felt bad for her, but how was this supposed to be my fault? I had nothing to do with this in the first place. I never even thought that I was a witch until I received that letter forever ago.

Anyways, I began walking around platform nine and ten. I didn't even know of who I was looking for, or what to even look for. I was helplessly confused, and probably lost. I didn't know where else to go. Sighing, I took my trolley and walked over to a bench. Unlocking the cage to Mystery, I took her out of her cage and let her rest on my shoulders. I sat back against the wall, huffing out a breath in annoyance. Now what shall I do?

This was stupid. I couldn't find anyone, well, no one for that matter. The area was clearing up and it was less crowded. Only a few people here and there, but that was it. I wanted to sleep. Like, right now. Who am I supposed to be staying with? I guess I should get up and start asking people, but I don't know if I should really do that. What am I going to say even if I do? 'Oh, hello, I'm a witch and I'm looking for someone that is supposed to take me home.' Yeah, that's real smart.

I let Mystery fly around for a bit till I was getting strange looks from people, so then I decided to put her back in her cage. I gave Mystery some food and started to pet her out of boredom. I guess I should just wait until someone comes and starts saying wizard things. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped from being startled as I turned around to see a boy right beside me. I calmed down instantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." Said the boy with a weak smile.

"It's quite alright. Is there something you need?" I asked as I continued to pet Mystery.

"Not really, I was just going to say that's a very lovely owl you got there. It is yours?" The boy said. Well, he really is nice. I like him. He looked a bit older than me, at least by two years. Other than that, he seemed cool.

"Yes, it is. Her name is Mystery." I said back.

"Well, she's very beautiful. . . . You look like someone I'm supposed to be meeting with. Are you, by any chance, Miss Aquila Samus?" The boy said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"So, you're the one who I'm supposed to be staying with?" I asked. He smiled brightly at me as his eyes lit up in glee, which I didn't understand why. He didn't really look like a wizard, or is he a wizard at all?

"This is great news! I finally found you. My father and I have been searching everywhere for you. I'm Cedric Diggory, by the way. Nice to finally meet you, cousin!" He said. My eyes widened. (I know he's not exactly in this book, but bear with me please. This is where I screw up the plot again. :D Hope you don't mind, which you probably already do! Oh well, don't worry about it. He's not going to be introduced to the whole group yet, I don't want to ruin the purpose of it in the next book.)

"You're my cousin?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm from your mother's side. I never really heard about you, except that you were a witch and that your mum didn't even want you back once you left her. Oops, I didn't mean to make you upset. . . Well, either way, you'll be living with us now! At least you won't be alone." Cedric said.

"Yeah," I muttered with a frown.

"So, I heard you were Slytherin. Only reason I knew that was because of the 500 points you won from doing all those great things. And the basilisk? That's your greatest fear? Incredible how you did that." Cedric said. I felt my face heat up shyly.

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