Complete and Utter Rubbish Book 2 HP fan fic

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This is the second book of my Harry Potter fan fiction! Yay! This is the third book of the HP series of the actual HP series. And, of course, this will be based off from the book as well. And don't forget to read the first book first, okay? Or you will know nothing about her at all and what has happened! There has been some changes to the story, but the plot is still the same so yay!

Bio: this will be added stuff from the last time I wrote this story. New features. Yadda yadda yadda.

Aquila Samus

Age: now 13 well, turning 13 at least....

Height: 5' 3"

Still has same personality though except she is a bit more mature.

Her features are still the same except that her body is slightly more curved now. Facial features are thinned. Hair is now slightly longer than it was, lengthens down to her chest. Let's just say that her boobs are a bit bigger, ha ha. And I bet you're wondering about the cover picture. Well, that's her! It will be further explained in the story.

Hair is completely white, like snow white. And her eyes now change between her normal sapphire eyes to a light blue color, probably electric blue at the most. Her skin is still pale as well, probably a bit more than it was now.

Her likes and dislikes are still pretty much the same. She has more dislikes now since it's a new year and blah blah blah. I don't know why I don't feel like explaining, okay? You'll figure out what she likes and doesn't like by reading the book, so continuing on!

I'm pretty sure that's it as well. . . .

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