Ask Lucy

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Ask Lucy; by RabiaSadaat

Another new writer writing a great story. This story is very good in my eyes and it deserves some praise. It's a book about a sixteen year old girl named Alison who writes an advice column for the school newspaper. She just so happens to be the unpopular geek of the school yet everyone loves her column. There are plenty of everyday teen issues and plenty of boy trouble to fill your hearts desire.

The author has a very unique style of writing that I have fallen in love with only because it's very similar to how I write (Is that biased?). It starts out with the average geek girl, popular enemy, and hot boy that every girl wants, but then all of that gets flipped around. You don't know what to expect after each chapter, and as a matter of fact, after each paragraph! The cliff hangers are great and well written to make you come back. In fact the entire book is very well written and the writing gets better with each chapter.

There are some issues with the book as there are in every book. There are next to none in spelling errors. The main issue this writer struggles with is changing the tense of the story every so often. In the beginning you hardly see it and can only catch it once or twice but as you progress through the story it becomes more common and easier to spot. This is a sign of a writer who's in a hurry either because she loves writing the story a ton or because she hasn't gone back and proof read it. Regardless it has a great flow during the entire story.

Overall this book is great and for those of you who love a good story with a plot twist, this is the perfect book for you. The author is developing the plot well and throughout the entire book you're expecting something to happen but then comes the twist. Even when you expect the twist and try to predict it, it's something completely different. I suggest looking into this book. Thanks so much to RabiaSadaat for letting me review your story!

Yours Truly, McbChikki

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