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Becca's POV

As I walked back home it got more creepier than I thought. I kept hearing sound, seeing figures in the dark and it scared the shit out of me.

I might have been overreacting but I didn't take any chances. I walked faster until I reached my house. I quickly got inside and locked the door. I leaned on the door as I tried breathing in and out slowly to calm my nerves.

When I finally felt like I could walk I decided to pull of my jacket and go up to my room. The whole house was dark and I got again the bad vibe I had when the alpha was here but I chose to ignore it. Maybe today's events has made me overwhelmed.

I stood infront of my bed and threw my jacket on it before grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I was just about to tap in my code into the phone before I heard a cracking noise. I stopped everything I was doing and looked up from my phone slowly.

Once I was looking straight ahead I turned around to see Derek standing in my room, emotionless.

"Derek?" I asked as I went to turn on the lights, but like always, something stopped me.

"Becca" I heard the same guy at the hospital. Derek's uncle.

"What the hell?" I asked as I spun around to see him standing in front of Derek, looking straight at me.

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Peter" He smirked evilly. I looked at him before turning shocked towards Derek.

"Are you on his side now? Do you still remember that he killed your sister?" I practically half yelled.

"It was a mistake" Derek stated, and tried to look convincing. But it didn't reach his eyes. It looked more like he was trying to convince himself and not me.

"Are you trying to convince me? Or yourself?" I asked, glaring at Derek. He couldn't even keep eye contact. He broke it after two seconds.

"Enough chit chat. Becca, I want you to help me" Peter cut in.

"I'm not helping you kill people" I snapped, taking my gaze off of Derek.

"Not all of them. Just the guilty ones" Peter pointed out.

"Is that suppose to make it more convincing for me to join your murder group?" I asked him with my usual level of sassy tone.

"How about I give you a little look from my perspective" Peter stated and grew out his claws. Before I could even ask him what he meant, he jammed his claws in my neck before taking them out. 

I let out a painful scream and from the corner of my eye I could see Derek looking concerned. As I fell to the floor I started getting images of a burning house, people inside it, the monsterous looking creature, the people burning the house and more.

It felt like forever until it ended. Once I snapped out of it, Peter and Derek were gone. I sat up from the floor and leaned onto the closest wall. I breathed in deeply before getting up.

My body was still shaking from the images I got from Peter's claws. Or whatever he did. I felt my neck and could feel the holes there. They weren't pleasent but they'll heal. I sighed before falling down on my bed and shut my eyes. 

I needed sleep, and badly.




The next day when I woke up, Allison had called me and asked me to come to the mall with her and Lydia. 

How It All Began// Stiles Stilinski// Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now