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~  i do not own warrior cats, though the storyline, characters, and clans in this book are mine

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~  i do not own warrior cats, though the storyline, characters, and clans in this book are mine.

~ this book has lgbtq+ characters. if you do not like that then you may leave.

~ i will not stand for lgbtq+ hate, or any hate at all.

~ i am very open for criticism, though do note that i am young and not the perfect writer. if i make any sort of grammar or spelling mistake please kindly correct me.

~ this is a rough draft. When i finish this, in time, i will edit this.

~ if i don't update in a week, don't yell at me. Please.

~ don't compare my book with another. just don't.

~ don't compare my characters to others. it's a bitchy move.

~ try not to vote spam? though at a moderation it's fine

~ please don't horass or bully me or any of the people in the comments.

~ this book handles dark themes, like mental illness and death.

~ take your long-ass covnos in the comments somewhere else

~ i sometimes swear in a/n's oops

~ excuse me if some of the names of the cats/clans or plot ideas aren't fully original. i read many books any may have absent-mindedly picked some ideas.

~ hate the characters- not me.

~  some opinions voiced in this book by characters such as opinions on sexuality, bullying, gender identity, ect, are not mine, unless stated otherwise

~ my genetics aren't great. Please try your best not to be rude if any kits don't look like their parents or a combination of physical traits on a character is not possible. you may correct me, and be honest, but don't be rude

~ these characters swear. for me, it makes sense, since these cats somehow know english.

with no further ado, let's get into the story.

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