Chapter 6: I Love You

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The ride home was not fun. The entire ride home, my parents wouldn't stop yelling at me. They blamed this on everyone. The neighbors, them, my friends, but most of all me.

I didn't care though. I just couldn't stop thinking about about Friday.

My parents said I could have a party but the neighbors couldn't come. I argued with that, of course. This time though I lost the argument. I wasn't going to uninvited the neighbors just cause I got expelled.

Of course sense I refused to uninvited them, my parents did it for me. I locked my self in my in my room for the rest of the day.

That night though, there was a tap on my window, like some one had just hit my window with a pebble. i Walked over to my window and looked down, but there was no one there. I opened my window and leaned out.

"Pisst," Someone said across from me. I looked right in front of me and saw Daylon leaning out of the window across from mine.

"Oh my god, you scared me." I said.

Daylon laughed.

"Hey, so is it true you're canceling the party Friday?" He asked.

"Oh... I can't lie to you, not any more. I am not who you think I am." I said coming completely clean.

"So, are you some kind of government spy or something? cause that would be super cool." Daylon said jokingly.

"No," I laughed. "Actually, we're magicians." I said

I came completely clean. I told him everything. How mortals and magicians can fall in love. how my parents hate him for being mortal. How I got me and my friends expelled for interacting with him. How he was almost killed by Fang. Everything. I even told him that I knew he liked me and planed to ask me out at he party.

He sat there for a second in complete shock.

"So, I'm the reason you got expelled." He said after a long pause.

"It sounds harsh when you put it that why, but yes. But I don't blame you. Neither do my friends." I said.

He thought for a second.

"So you know I like you?" He asked looking at the ground.

"I'm so sorry. Hayley didn't want to tell me, but I kinda forced her. I'm so sorry." I said.

"Do you like me back?" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

"No, I don't just like you, I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said blushing very badly.

Daylon smiled.

"Then, would you wana go out with me?" He asked.

My face turned a darker red.

"I... I... I'd love to, but how? I haven't even told my parents that I'm gay yet, let alone in love with a mortal." I said.

Daylon thought for a second, then his face light up like he just got an idea.

"Come with me." He said quickly.

"Where?" I asked.

"Anywhere. Just somewhere else. Let's get away from all this, just for tonight. We'll worry about all this tomorrow." he said giving me his best smile (which is an amazingly hot smile).

"Sure." I said without thinking.

"Great, I'll meet you in front of my house in five minuets." He said dis appearing into his room.

I quickly shut my window, got dressed and crept down stairs. Once I was out side, I ran over to the house next door. Daylon was waiting for me, when I got there.

"Wow, you're fast." I said as he walked over to me.

"Or maybe you're just slow. Just kidding." He said grabbing my hand.

We walked down the street to the park. We sat here in the middle of the grass looking up at the stars.

Daylon reached over and poked me in the side. I jumped about twenty feet in the air. I poked him back. That started a poking war. We rolled around poking each other. When we stopped, I was on top of him, two inches between our faces.

We stared at each other for a while. Then, I leaned in at kissed him. It felt so good, I felt accepted. I felt wanted.

I rolled off to Daylon and laid there, his hand in mine. After a while, we got up and started walking home. As we walked home we held hands and talked. I thought, "How could this night get any better?" I thought and thought and thought, but I couldn't think of anything.

When we got to our houses, the lights in my house where on.
"Oh, crap. My parents are up. They probably noticed I was gone." I sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry for getting you in trouble all the time." Daylon said.

"I'm not." I said with a smile.

He grabbed me, pulled me close and kissed me. Then, we split and we headed to our houses. Just before I opened the door, Daylon yelled to get my attention.

"Ya?" I yelled back.

"I love you." He yelled.

"I love you too." I yelled back, pulling opening the door.

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