April: Escape

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I quickly sat up, and instantly regretted it as a sharp pain ran through my head, and the room went black for a second. I got up way to fast! As my vision slowly returned, I carefully made my way over to the phone and punched in my access code, hoping it was Ethan with the explanation of a lifetime.

However, the voice on the message was not who I expected, it was Derek.

‘Hey Em, it’s me. I hate that I didn’t get to say bye to you, and I hate that we ended things like that.  I know it’s late, but I’m catching a red-eye back home. And just wanted you to know…to know I meant what I said. I deploy Friday, and really need to know that we are okay. Call me alright? I need to hear your voice one more time.’

I could hear him on the receiver for a few more seconds before hanging up, probably deciding if there was anything else he wanted to add, but there was nothing.  Looking at the time, it’s 2:30 AM, he is surely on a plane now.

He deploys Friday. I stand there, and I don’t think I ever sobered up that fast in my life, but here I was standing in my room, and all logic comes back.  I slowly put the phone down, as I noticed tears were running down my cheek.

What am I going to do? I’ll call him tomorrow, but what do I say? The room started to spin again but not as bad as before.  So I did the only thing I could think of, I buried my head in my hands and cried. After a few seconds, I decided to head for the bathroom.  I didn’t want Kathie coming back and finding me like this again.  She’ll only worry. 

Once in the bathroom, I had to do a double take at the person staring back at me.  She was a complete and total mess.  Mascara was running down her face, her nose was red, eyes were watery, and she looked a shade too pale.  I felt disgusted, and needed a shower.  Who would of thought, I drank tonight to forget about Ethan and Derek, and all I seem to think about is Ethan and Derek, it’s safe to say my plan had backfired.

Walking back to my room, I notice my door is slightly open.  I thought I locked it, which means Kathie should be back. 

“Any luck finding Brent?” I asked as I opened the door wider to walk in.  But instead I was faced with an empty room.  I really need to get a grip on things; I must have left the door open.

After taking a quick glance around the room, to make sure I was alone, I quickly got undressed and wrapped myself in a robe.  My heart was pounding, but I think I’m just overwhelmed with everything that happened today.  I needed to forget about the party, the dance with Derek, Ethan disappearing, and Derek deploying Friday, so I grabbed my shower basket and pajamas, and headed down the hall for the showers.

I don’t know how long I stood under the showers, and to be honest I didn’t care.  The water felt way too good, and I was starting to contemplate ever getting out.  The bathroom was quiet, every once in a while I could hear some girls laughing and giggling in the hall, this was clearly a party night for many, as they made their way back to their rooms.

The door to the bathroom opened as someone made their way in; I let out a frustrated sigh, as I knew my quiet time was now over. I reluctantly turned off the water.

Turning around to reach for my towel, I froze as someone switched the lights off. It was pitch black. What the hell?

“Hey, I’m in here!” I yelled.  Clearly whoever came in was too drunk to notice someone in the showers.  When no one responded, I reached for my towel in the dark and once I found it, quickly wrapped it around my body.

Pulling the curtain, to step out of the shower, my heart practically came out of my chest as I jumped back.  Standing there in front of my shower stall was a figure watching me. My eyes were starting to adjust, but it was still to dark to make out who it was.  Before I could even scream, he had his hand over my mouth and roughly pushed me against the back wall of the shower stall.  I let out a cry when my back made contact with the ceramic tiled wall, but my cry was muffled by his hand as he spun me around.

Incoming: A Second ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon