"She is fine and now i need lunch. I am famished by your interrogation" Haya stated

Finally assured that his little sister was not in any sort of trouble, he stood up and left with Haya for lunch.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Haya screached in Samreen's ears, causing her to spring up from her peaceful slumber.

She held her neck in pain and winced "I am whiplashed"

"Consider it as a birthday gift from me" Haya grinned

"Thanks Haya. I have never received such a magnificent gift in my entire life" Samreen replied sardonically

"Get the hell out of bed. Breakfast is ready!" Haya said and left.

After half an hour, when Samreen still didn't showed up for breakfast, Haya ascended the stairs again to drag her down with herself. Making Haya wait for breakfast could give rise to a hungry beast.

"Are you planning to fast on your birthday?" Haya bawled as she barged in the room only to find Samreen on phone

"Yeah. Ok. Bye" She disconnceted the call and looked at Haya "No i am not"

"I don't like waiting for breakfast"

"You don't like waiting for food in general" Samreen replied

"It's your birthday otherwise, you would have been dead meat by now" Haya said and strolled downstairs with Samreen behind her

"Hey As it's my birthday, can't you, me and Amaan go out and have fun?" Samreen suggested

"What about Zayer?" Haya asked

"He is at office"

"So is Amaan"

"Oh come on you can convince him"

"Don't you have university to attend?" Haya asked as she sat to eat her long served breakfast

"I am taking day off" Samreen answered as she also sat to have her breakfast

"It's your birthday, not an official holiday"

"So what? It comes once a year. I wanna celebrate. Now call Amaan. Will you?" Samreen persuaded

"Whatever you say birthday girl. It's your day"


"Tell me it's really something important or i am gonna kill you" Amaan said as Haya and Samreen got in the car.

"It is. Its Samreen's birthday and she wants to celebrate it with us" Haya answered

"Happy birthday Samreen" Amaan said turning towards Samreen who was busy typing on her phone

"Yeah. Thank you" She smiled and went back with her typing.

"Will you put your phone down?" Haya frowned

"Just a sec" Samreen said and after few seconds, she locked her phone "Done!"

"Thank god! So what do you want to do?" Amaan asked

"Long drive"

"Ok. Sounds good" He bought engine to life and drove off.

"Yeah but better grab some food first" Haya stated

"Already did that"

"You are the best" Haya grinned

"Take right ahead" Samreen directed

"Why?" Questioned Haya

"There is almost no traffic on that road and we can drive as fast as we want and that would be fun" Samreen exclaimed

"Good idea" Amaan said and turned right

"Long drives are fun when it's raining" Haya commented

"That's romantic. You can have that drive with him without me. I don't want to be bone in meat" Samreen remarked

They were almost half way through the road when Amaan pressed the brakes as the car stood in the middle of the road blocking their way ahead.

"What a wanker!" Amaan said and pressed the horn but to no avail

"I will be right back" he said and got down the car.

Amaan banged his knuckles against the window of the car. The person inside let the window down and when Amaan found who it was, his eyes widened in shock "Youu!!" He yelled.

Before Amaan could react or even think anything, he was hit with metal from behind. He fell down, holding his head and heard Haya's distant voice calling his name before the darkness completely enveloped him!



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