Chapter six

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Henry stands in his bathroom brushing his hair.he had to go to work today. he walks out of the bathroom while trying to fix his tie.he checks his watch 5:50am .he walks in Jamie's room to see her laying flat on her face.he taps on Jamiee's shoulder.
"Jamiee "he whispers crouching down next to her.
She doesn't budge.
"Jamiee"he says again ,this time whispering in her ear.
She turns so she's facing him and signs.
He traces his index finger over her face.she scrunches her face and opens her eyes.
"Get up I'm about to leave,and I need help with my tie please". Jamiee raises up stretching .
"What time is it she asked?"getting of the bed .
"Six o clock "henry says.
They walk downstairs in the kitchen.
"What time will you be back?"jamiee asked grabbing henry by his tie and pulling him towards her.
"Not sure ,call me if you need anything okay?"
Jamiee nods .
Henry stares at her as she fixes his tie ,taking in all her features .
Oh those plum lips he thought .
"There all done "Jamiee smiles walking towards the coffee maker .
"Thank you"
"Your welcome ,I made you coffee earlier"jamiee smiles
She stands on her tippy toes and grabs a coffee mug out the pastry .
Henry signs "gosh those legs" .
Jamiee makes the coffee then hands it to henry.
"Have a good day at work "she smiles.
"Thank you ,have a good day with Mimi "
Jamiee smiles .
"I'll call around one "he says walking out the door .
"Okay "Jamiee says .she locks the door then runs upstairs to go check on Mimi she was still asleep.she didn't know when Mimi was gonna wake up so she grabbed a pillow and a blanket out of her room ,and made a pallet on Mimi's floor.

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