The End

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The king got more and frustrated with her, and he couldn't believe she couldn't talk to him, even once. He began to sink into an alcohol fueled rage at the queen, beating her every night she still wouldn't talk to him. But when the queen was alone, she would take out her golden stone and cry with it. It always seemed to take her pain away, to forget about the scabbing scars buried into her back by a hazel switch for a moment.

But one day, her husband came in on one of these sessions and picked up his hazel switch and began to beat her harder than ever before. She silently sobbed, begging for help from anyone as the blood oozed down her back, but only one person could hear her. The stone clasped in her fingertips began to tremble. A hole was pierced through the solid exterior as a large claw poked through. The rest of the egg snapped, falling apart completely and wobbling before the queen was a silver dragon with eyes the color of molten gold.

It cried a heart wrenching sob and using weak wings, flew at the king. He yelled, letting the queen escape and crawled over to the bed as her daughter breathed fire on the king, wrinkling and cracking his skin as he screamed. He reached for his sword, and in one fluid motion, stabbed it straight through the gorgeous beast's heart. The queen cried harder, climbing over to her love's corpse and let out the only sound she had ever made in her life. Her angry scream echoed through the night, and as she cradled the body to her breast, snarled at the king, leaping out the window onto the green. He heard a sickening thud, and turned away from the window that his bride had jumped from.

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