Oh what a tangled web...

Start from the beginning

  "Well I guess that answers who is coming with me. I hope we don't scare them with all of us going over there." Kota deadpans.

   "I wonder if they are dating or if she's single." I can't help but put that out there so they know I'm interested, sort of unofficially staking my claim.

    "Oh hell no, I already claimed her when I said I wanted to get my hands on her hair, sorry Doc." Gabe whined. Oh no, he didn't just pull that card did he.

    I'm halfway to the house across the street when it dawns on me, I didn't pop Gabe in the back of the head like I wanted to after that unofficial claiming comment earlier. Oh well no time like the present, I thought as my hand connects with his head and his head falls forward. I couldn't stop the smirk that forms he will think twice about claiming my girl again.

     I finally make it to the door to realize they have already rung the doorbell. Kota is standing in front of the door waiting patiently as the rest of us crowd around him trying not to fall all over him.  The door finally opens to reveal a mammoth of a man. He rivals Silas in height and North in scariness.  He is very attractive too, which is not going to bode well for me if I am going to win the blonde in the picture's attention.

    Kota stuck his hand out in front of him, "Hi, I'm Kota, Jessica's brother. My mom wanted me to relay a message to her is she still here?" I could see the wheels turning in his head waiting to see what this guy is going to say.

    His timbering deep voice rung out, "Erik Norris, yeah Jess is actually not here right now. She went with Sang on a walk with Astrid and Freya or if Sang has Astrid then Sang is the one getting walked. She's a 5 month old St Bernard puppy with boundless energy and strength to match.  Sang weighs almost the same amount as her." His booming laughter caused a knot to form in the pit of my stomach.
    "Do you know how long they will be or does Sang have a cell you can call so we can relay the message to Jess." Kota asked.

    "I'm not sure how long they will be gone to be truthful. They are walking to the grocery store to pick up some milk. Sang always likes to know where to buy food first before she finds anything else. They left a little over half an hour ago and I just realized about ten minutes ago Sang forgot her phone in the bathroom again. Trust me you don't want to know. Hell, I don't think I want to know either. I never know what to expect with her. She's a spitfire that's for sure." Well from what he said if they are only going for milk they should be getting back in a few minutes. Unless they walk slow then I'm not sure how long it will take. Wait why did she forget her phone in the bathroom or did he not say. 

    "Well if they walked slow they should be getting there now, would you mind if we waited for them to get back. I'm sorry I am being rude these are my friends, Nathan, Victor, Luke, Gabe, North, Silas, Sean, and Owen. Sean and Owen are probably around your age. The rest of us are either 16 or 17." Kota was fishing for information, I see.

    "How old do you think I am?" Erik laughed. Laughed, wait why is he laughing.

    "Uh around 19 or 20?" Kota squeaked out. He started looking around for one of us to bail him out. Nope, sorry buddy, you need to dig yourself out of this one on your own.

    "Sorry, I'm afraid to tell ya this but I'm your age dude. Sang will get a kick out of the fact you thought that I could be that old. It's bad enough she calls me papa bear as it is now. Don't give her more ammo to use against me." At least Erik was being a good sort about it. Makes me wonder how much older he is than Sang for her to call him that. "Damn, now where are my manners, please come in. Also please don't let Sang know or I'll never hear the end of it. She's a stickler about manners and all that shit." Erik stepped back into the house and we all start piling in.

    I'm surprised at how put together the house was. How was it this done, they just moved in yesterday. I was expecting boxes and things everywhere. There were no boxes even empty ones in sight. Sang and Erik must have been working all night and day to get the house like this unless they had movers help them but Kota would have noticed that. The questions keep adding up but unfortunately answers are not.

    Erik motioned toward the living room where a couch, love seat and two chairs were placed around an oversized ottoman. A 60 inch TV hung opposite the couch on the wall. From the look of the room I think we would all have room to sit. Over in the corner I seen a dog bed with a few toys in it.

    Erik was with North over by the couch I assume talking about cars or girls or the color black, who knows. Silas and Gabe are standing there facing them nodding their heads occasionally so must not be discussing the merits of the color black or Gabe would be more animated. Nathan, Kota, Luke, and Victor are conspiring with Owen while I just watched them all suffering from sheer boredom.

    I'm not sure how long it was until the door opened and a large fluff ball bound in the house headed toward Erik. "Honey, we're home!" A melodic husky voice calls out from the door. I noticed Nathan flinched a little at that. Hmm that's odd. We all turn toward the door to see the puppy dragging a giggling woman who was more beautiful than in the picture behind it as it squirms and prances to an amused Erik. "Astrid, go to your bed like a good girl, no don't look at Daddy to save you. Go. You're not in trouble I just don't want you under foot right now." She drops the leash and points toward the dog bed in the corner. "I'm going to put the milk in the fridge can you help Jess get Freya in please." I assume she was speaking to Erik because every single one of us had our attention and eyes following her as she disappeared into the kitchen with a bag I didn't notice a moment ago. The puppy dutifully lumbers over to her bed and plops down her tongue slightly hanging out.

    A minute later Jess walks in with a huge grin on her face as Erik follows her pushing a baby stroller

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    A minute later Jess walks in with a huge grin on her face as Erik follows her pushing a baby stroller. As soon as he clears the door he closes it and coos down into the carrier facing him. "Did Daddy's baby girl have a fun walk with Mommy and her new friend Jessica?" What the hell!?! He reaches into the carrier and picks up the most beautiful baby I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of babies. I so didn't see this coming and from the shocked expressions around me neither did any one else. I look over to Kota who has his brows furrowed and glaring at Erik. Is he going to confirm it or not, what the hell Kota! Is he telling the truth or not?

 Is he going to confirm it or not, what the hell Kota! Is he telling the truth or not?

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Sorry it's unedited so any mistakes please point out I'm doing this on my phone so it's a pain to edit beforehand. I'm trying to get the next update up within a day or two I'm hoping to finish this story before the end of the year. Hope you liked it. Love y'all <3 B

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