So Sorry For The Late Update

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Sheeeeeitttt it's been five days since I updated y'all hopefully you don't wanna make me float. Cause whoops, not like I'd mind I'll be with Penny~~~
I've had personal shit going on with me for the past few days. And it was pretty bad but I'm better now, I think I got my mojo back. I just as for y'all to be patient as I've got a lot of stories I'm working on at once.

Bout to add another one to the fold lmao. I'm a mess. Also the next three days will be dedicated to spook times in grizzly doom.
H a l l o w e e n.

I plan to do my own costume for Pennywise, and my makeup will look like a mixture of AHS:Cult clown look from the Snapchat filter. If anyone wants to see it I'll post it in my Events story.

Lastly I wanna say thank you all so so so M U C H! For the reads, votes, favorites and comments. They make my day and I honestly thought no one would like this sheeeit so I'm shock and so happy!

I'm going to try and pump at least a chapter for all my stories I'm currently working on so thank you guys for everything! I only hope I don't lose my inspirations cause HOLY FUCKS! I want this story to continue I haven't even touched the roots I want to of it yet! That's what's exciting and shocking! So look forward to it I'm looking forward to writing it!

Also who wants to talk STRANGER THINGS 2 cause I just finished binge watching that shit and my feelings! IT SO DAMN GOOD!
Love y'all stay amazing! Thanks again! I'll say it a millions times!!!! You all rock!!!! ☺️🙃🎈

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