Secret Revenge

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I watched over Y/N as she fell asleep crying, clinging to my hand. I knew from first glance she was still a teen in school. And with that came bullies, I could feel this sudden emotion of rage which wasn't normal. Not only that but to protect this young girl, to get revenge for her.

What was familiar was the blood lust to tear the kids apart. It would be-- habitual.

Slowly I slip out of her grasp, back into the darkness of her closet and moved onto another house. The house of the boy who harmed her. I saw when it happened, I should've acted but I didn't. Now I would. This wasn't normal behavior for me, most times I didn't care. I would only eat, and take enjoyment from terrifying my choices to feed on.

Meeting her after my starving rest, it must've had a different influence on me. I could feel a change in myself as I inhaled the boys fear, the closer I stepped to his bedroom. He was fast asleep, as I got closer I began to morph my body into that of a snake.

The hissing grows louder, my tongue darting out when his eyes open up wide. He lungs from the bed gasping from air, he's spastic trying to climb higher places. That's when I make my body expand growing larger to fill the room. He's about to scream when I coil my body around his, tightening to where I hear the satisfying crunch of his bones. Snapping, grinding together under my massive weight. His eyes are blown wide with fear.

"Ah, such a tasty smell fear is." I coo unhinging my jaw wider than a snake could, multiple teeth appear instead of just two fangs.

The boy lets out a blood curdling scream just before I snap down over his head, his neck is spraying blood everywhere due to the severing of his cranium to his body. It splatters against my snake like body, it sends a common shiver down my spine. It's been so long since I've fed properly, this meal almost tastes too good to be true.

His body is convulsing, twitching in pain so I coil around him harder enough to break his bones completely. Then he stops fighting me, I drag him out the window of his bedroom and into a sewer drain where no one will likely find him ever again.

In the darkness of the sewers, I feasted like the starved monster I was. But while I acted out this gratifying moment, one thought crossed my mind.

'I mustn't let Y/N see me like this. It'll frighten her. Only her... I can't.'

"I can't frighten her." I say aloud to myself while I gorge myself of the remaining strong feeling of fear the boy gave off and his sweet flesh.

It was never the flesh I loved most, it had to be the blood. The smell of it, the feel of it. It's what made consuming the flesh so enjoyable.

"I mustn't let Y/N see me like this. I mustn't." I repeat again while thrusting my hand now in the form Y/N had come to like seeing me in. My normal form from now on instead of that clown one. My hand crunches past his rib cage coated in blood.

"Aha... haha..." before I can even stop the laugh it's out past my lips. This was something I needed in order to survive. And I've adapted to liking it.

Then I feel odd in my own skin, wondering if I truly do need this to survive. It had to be Y/N, her influence on me was making me weird. I was having an internal war inside myself.

"Would if... she doesn't like me anymore?" I begin to worry, a sadness takes over me ruining my appetite. Angrily I shove the body aside, down a drain to be absorbed into darkness. A stray tear falls down my cheek, I brush it onto my sleeve with blood mixing into it.

I sit for awhile then find my way back to Y/N home, quietly I creak through her closet door. She's still fast asleep, I creep through her house even if she mom will never notice me. Within the pristine white room, I begin to clean myself of the blood erasing all evidence I did this. The other three were next, anyone is next if they harm her.

It works, I remain fed and she remains safe. It's my little secret. While I cleaned my face, I smile wickedly back at my reflection.

"There's just so much to do." I say to myself.

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