Chapter Two:Who Is He???

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First off let me just say sorry for not having writing Thug Passion I been having writers block but now I'm good and back to writing it I will finish The Famous Singers Wife so no worries I coming up wit more and more twist and turns so no worries ok now to the story ☺❤



so cjay is pregnant ☺☺☺ ya boy about to be a father man I was hella happy to find out that she was pregnant more then she was actually


I got home from working at the trap house and called Cjay name

Cjay:I'm upstairs babe

I ran upstairs and walked into our room and seen her with papers in her hands

me:hey baby what's that

Cjay:*smiles*hi babe and the test results and guess wat

me:wat??? and why are you so cheerful today

Cjay:well I'm pregnant 4 weeks actually

I just looked at her

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