Chapter 10

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Family dinner was...lively...warm even, a very unusual feeling to Diana whenever the concept of her and her husband sitting down and actually eating a meal together was concerned.

"Ha very funny." She muttered sarcastically, glaring at her mother and husband.

Mark and Relle were laughing hysterically at a mug shot he had taken of Diana at the end of their hike in Kanarra creek. Diana was never very active and a hike was Mark's brilliant idea of getting into shape. Three hours later she resembled a red puffball, hair in disarray and shoes soaked through the very seams.

She smiled fondly despite being the victim of ridicule. It was a great day nevertheless as it was the first time she had acknowledged to herself how hopelessly in love she was with her husband.

"Diana you never showed me this photo." Relle held the image in her hands still very much amused at her daughter's clear exhaustion.

"I didn't even know it was taken!" Diana gave Mark a small nudge under the table, laughing along.

"You looked stunning, how could I not take the opportunity presented in front of me." He gave her a playful wink which she returned with a mocking expression.

"I look hideous and I can't believe you kept it as your facebook profile for 2 months!"

"Honey I've never seen any woman look as gorgeous as you did that day." Mark suddenly had a small glint in his eyes. He looked sincere and passionate. Diana looked to her mother unnerved, she had also sensed the change in atmosphere. She could tell he wanted to caress her body, hold her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her. His eyes spoke volumes and Diana has always loved how much she could read from them.

She gave him a small smile, reaching out her hands to grasp his own, he was honestly the love of her life no matter how rocky their marriage has been lately.

"Save it for the bedroom." Relle chipped in breaking the trance between Diana and Mark. She laughed at their stunned expressions.

"Mum, please stop." Diana smiled uncomfortably, burying her face in her hands as she cringed at her mother's bluntness.

"Just saying what we're all thinking." She laughed again, it was Mark's turn to laugh uncomfortably before masking it with a false coughing fit.

"Let's eat." He chirped, immediately digging into his pasta.

"I couldn't agree more."

This is the longest husband and wife have sat down together for a meal and genuinely basked in each other's company. Diana stole a quick glance at Mark, he was chewing vigorously on the pasta probably still shaken from her mother's comments. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself, he was very unknowingly cute which she found endearing.

It was rare occasions like this Diana really appreciated her husband and he appreciated her.

Mark also stole a quick glance at his wife, noticing she had the faintest of smiles on her face. His brows furrowed in curiosity, intrigued by what she was thinking.

He found her breathtakingly beautiful yet often found himself keeping those thoughts to himself hence why she was so shocked he had vocalised those thoughts to her earlier.

"So Mark, how's work?" Relle cheerfully asked, a forkful of pasta at hand.

He tore his eyes away from Diana. "Great, business is booming."

"That's good. And what about you, Diana?"

"It's good, I'm still getting the hang of it. I didn't realise I'd be working so many extra hours though."

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