Chapter 4

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It took a total of two hours for everyone to jump. The last person to hit the net was the female leader. Four appeared from a stairwell behind us all and started barking out orders to the Dauntless members.

“Alright, Dauntless born, you're with Tori,” he said. “If you still need a tour you need to leave. Transfers, you're with me.”

He led us around, talking about the different things in Dauntless. There was the Chasm, which was supposed to remind us of the fine line between bravery and idiocy. Then there was the cafeteria where pretty much everyone ate almost all their meals. There were the shops, piercing places, and tattoo parlors. Finally, he led us to the dorms.

“These are your dorms. As you can see, embarrassment is something we eradicate rather quickly here,” Four said.

“Who's dorms are these?” An Erudite kid asked.

“These are the only transfer dorms there are,” Four said.

“Why do they call you Four? Were One, Two, and Three already taken?” a Condor girl asked. She was standing with Tris trying to hide the smirk on her lips.

“Very funny Candor. Very funny,” Four said. “Go change. There's a stack of clothes with each of your names on it. Bring your clothes from your old faction over here and we'll burn the last remaining ties to your previous life.”

After we all changed, Four led us back to the cafeteria where Uriah was waiting for me.

“Hey, Alex. We saved you seat, man,” he said, motioning me over to them.

“Hey, thanks,” I said.

“Well, I was hoping we could be friends, and I know we aren't going to get to see each other a whole lot,” he said as he started piling food on his plate.

“What's wrong, why aren't you eating?” He asked.

“He's probably never seen a hamburger before,” another boy said. He looked like Uriah except older and thinner.

“Alex, this is my brother, Zeke. Zeke, this is Alex,” Uriah said.

“You're from Abnegation, right?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“He's never seen a hamburger before,” Zeke repeated himself. “Four was like that too.”

“What was I like?” Four asked, sitting down across the table from me.

“Alex hasn't ever seen a hamburger before,” Zeke explained.

“What are you doing over here anyways? Don't you wanna be getting to know your dorm mates?” He asked. I hesitantly grabbed a burger and started to eat. Uriah seemed to almost breath a sigh of relief that I was eating.

“Uriah is the only person that has talked to me since I transferred,” I said, shrugging it off.

“Well, I hope you make friends. Then again Zeke was my only friend when I first transferred,” Four explained.

After dinner, we were ushered back to our dorms and told to go to sleep since the next morning would be early.

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