Chapter 20

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Four made a big long speech about how great we were and how no class has ever been as disciplined. Basically, it was a typical endearing speech that was probably written by one of the wives of a leader or something.

“Now, initiates, when I call your name, please make your way to the stage and choose a job. You will then be issued a set of keys to your new apartment and a credit card. Any and all money you make will be put on your card. You can use that to buy the stuff you've been getting for free up until this point. Am I understood?” Four asked.

“Yes, Sir,” we all responded.

“Alright, the number one initiate is Tris,” Four said and everyone went wild. I watched the board as one of the open positions as a Dauntless leader went away. She returned to her seat between Christina and I before Four continued.

“Next, Uriah Pedrad,” Four called and I cheered a little louder than necessary. He made his way up the steps of the stage before choosing a job and receiving his keys.

“Job?” I mouthed as he returned.

“Leadership and training. There's still the faction ambassador job, but it's to Abnegation,” he said, sitting down beside me.

“Third in the class, Alex,” Four said.

“Me?” I asked as we made eye contact.

“Yes you,” Four said causing everyone to laugh. I made my way to the stage and Tori was waiting to give me my stuff.

“Pick a job,” she said. “Quickly.”

“Faction Ambassador to Abnegation and Initiate Training, please,” I said.

“Alright. Here's the keys to apartment number 232. Although I assume you will be moving in with Uriah soon,” she said.

“Yes, ma'am,” I said.

“I figured. And here's your card,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said. I returned to my seat and Uriah seemed happier that I was third than that he was second.

“Good job baby,” he said.

“Thanks, you too,” I said.

After me was Marlene. Then I quit paying attention. I cheered when I needed to, but otherwise, Uriah and I just spent the whole time talking.

“What's your apartment number?” Uriah asked.

“232,” I said as Four called the last initiate to the stage.

“Mine is 298,” he said. “We will be closer to the food in yours but closer to work in mine,” he said.

“Why don't we go see them first,” I said.

“Those of you who have been here. You are to return to work three days from now. Yes, that means on Monday. As for the newest Dauntless members, you are to report to work the morning of next Friday. I do not want to hear any of the ‘I got too drunk to remember what day it was’ bullshit,” Four said.

“You are all dismissed.”

Everyone started hooting and hollering about how they were gonna get wasted tonight. I didn't want to drink ever. Not after seeing how violent my father was without alcohol.

I turned to Uriah and kissed his lips, shocking the both of us. We were officially Dauntless members and that was all that mattered in that moment.

“C'mon, baby boy. Let's go check out our apartments,” Uriah whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

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