Chapter 1-

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Beckett's POV

I watch sadly as she passes by me. From my face, you probably couldn't tell, though. I've an excellent poker face, people have told me.

I sigh and turn, only to meet a pair of suspicious eyes. Carly's.

"Is there something wrong between you and V?" She asks, using the nickname all of her friends called her.

I put on my most convincing smile. "Nope, not at all, blonde." I move my attention to the bar. I need to think about dance, not Vanessa. She doesn't even really notice me.

It's stupid, this entire thing. Sure, we have history. But that doesn't mean that the both of us still have feelings for each other.

I still have feelings for her, but apparently, it's not the same on her end. And I'm pretty sure she know that I like her.

So, a recap.

I kissed Vanessa. We were...she was...back then, we were close. When I say close, I mean rivaling Carly and Vanessa's friendship, which was pretty much top of the line. She was on crutches, again. It was frustrating for her and her friendship with Carly was a blinking light, faint in the distance. She had relied on me for the support she normally got from Carly. We had something there. No doubt about it. But then...I screwed up. I bailed on her after this kiss, panicking. I was still orienting myself to Keaton. I shouldn't get attached. I couldn't afford to.

She was angry at me for my mistake. I tried to make it up to her, but she was being stubborn. At the end of the year was the last time she talked or texted me, just an awkward goodbye.

This was the first class of the new year, and I was sharing it with Vanessa. I wanted things to go back to the way they were, but now she was only with Carly ever. Oh, and Sasha and Jenna. My group.

I'd joined it when I'd gotten closer to Vanessa, then befriended Sasha. Technically, I was still part of the group. They were my only friends at Keaton. But I was better in the end to just stay away.

Sasha and I weren't on the worst terms, I guess. We were pretty much best friends. Pretty much. But then, there was Jenna.

Did he have a crush on her? I don't really know. Maybe he still felt guilty for dropping her at a practice, giving her a concussion.

It was funny, because this was the one time Jenna was trying to fend for herself. She was being stubborn, not forgiving him even after an apology. Sasha kept at it, though. Since last year he'd made special effort to pay attention to her.

He still talked to me, just...not that much anymore.

I was basically a loner.

A gaze locked onto mine. Vanessa's. She was finally looking at me. Or not.... she just looked away.

My mother walked into the room. Yes, my mother, the ballet teacher of the school. "Chop-chop," she barked, provoking students to quickly run to the barres. She tolerated no nonsense from anyone.

I rushed towards my usual spot, which was beside Vanessa. It was from back when we were friends, and it wasn't like she could tell me off now.

I could feel her critical gaze raking over me as I put my leg high up on the bar, stretching. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction, though. It was time to ease the tension. I glance at her, catching her gaze in mine. "You done checking me out?"

"Shh!" She hisses at me under her breath, putting her leg up high on the bar as well. Her cheeks are stained with a light pink blush. It's adorable. "I wasn't checking you out!"

I chuckle beside her, a grin appearing on my face for the first time in...well, forever. "Sure, Vanessa." As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them.

She rolls her eyes at me, turning away.

I swallow. Guess we're back to normal. Great. My lips form into a thin line.

"Ms. Morita, Mr. Bradstreet, is something wrong over there?" My mom's voice cuts through the thick newly formed tension. Oh, she knows what she'd doing.

Vanessa's cheeks go bright red again, and she stutters for an answer while the rest of the class snickers. "Uh, um, no-nothing Ms. Hellswheel." Her eyes dart to me, nervous that I'm going to deny it.

I stay silent, not willing to risk humiliation.

My mother purses her lips, looking disbelieving, but drops the subject. Thankfully.

... (that was a time skip)

Class is over. I start making my way over to my bag, when two fingers tap me on the shoulder. I spin around, flicking my hair out of my eyes. When I see who it is, I take in a sharp breath.

Vanessa stands there, biting her lip, cute as ever. "Just wanted to say...thanks. For not interrupting, you know." This is how she is, always doing the right thing. Heck, she knows exactly what to do, what path to go down in life. She doesn't meet my eyes.

"Not a problem," I say casually. I won't come off as desperate. I should honestly be focusing on dance, anyway. I stuff my stuff in my bag, flexing my muscles as I do it. I can feel her still watching. So...maybe I do want to show off a little. I heave it over my shoulder with ease, turning to see Vanessa still there. "Something else you need?"

She purses her lips, obviously trying hard not to let on that she's ogling at my muscular arm. "Nope, go ahead." She moves aside, giving my straight path.

I smile at her before walking down the provided path, feeling her gaze on me. Happiness bubbles inside of me. This is the first time she's talked to me since last year. Amazing how such a small conversation with her can completely lift my mood.


Author's Note-

Hello, fellow Becknessa fans! I was looking up some Becknessa fan fiction the other day and was surprised at how few fan fictions were there. As a result, I decided to write one. 

Please vote or comment if you enjoyed the chapter. When I get a certain amount of votes, I will update. Promise. I just won't tell you that number because I want y'all to keep voting.



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