Chapter 12 2/2

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Jasmina watched the two young men in front of her. She smiled to the thought of how determined they were and they haven't even started. She got out her twin sword and collapsed it into two swords.

Kili looked at her and said,

"That's not fair. You got two swords. We only got one."

Jasmina chuckled and said to him,

"Master Kili, as you can tell, both you and Master Fili are fighting me at the same time. So one for each of you. Besides, what can one woman do to you?"

"If the woman was you Miss Neyragrat, one would be cautious."

Fili said while smiling, making everyone chuckle.

The two lads started to circle Jasmina while she stood still with a motionless face. Then the two charged towards her.

Fili moved first so he swung his sword near her neck. Jasmina use her right sword to deflect it and kick him away with her right foot. She moved away from Kili's attack then use her foot to trip him up. Kili then landed in his brother.

"Please, we were sparring gentlemen. Now is not the time." Jasmina said making the company laugh at the scene in front of them.

The brothers quickly got up and brushed off dirt and dust then ready themselves to fight again. They both charged and all three were fighting.
The sight of this fight were entertaining for the dwarves as they all were shouting, encouraging the lads to put up a better fight. Yet the dwarves somewhat were surprised of the dwarf princess able to keep them on their toes. It has proved she will not back down easily.

Bilbo were shocked of how calm Jasmina was, even when swords were nearly touching her. She had a small smile on her face and now and again she would close her eyes and dodge the brothers' attacks. He thought he knew almost everything about her but this proves he still has a lot to learn.

It seemed minutes from when they started. The brothers were about to end it when Jasmina ran up a nearby tree and back flipped behind them. Then she gently placed her swords on their shoulders and said,

"Missed me?."

Then they turned and tried to knock Jasmina to the ground when she used her swords and forced them onto their swords. The force of the impact pushed both brothers down on their backs. Before they could even get up, Jasmina once again placed her swords on their chests and said,

"You are both dead. Surrender?"

Kili and Fili looked at each other then back to her and nodded.

"Good. But remember boys, in battle there is never surrender. You win or you die."

She said and allowed them back up. Once they were on their feet, she continued.

"When the enemy has you trapped, do not take too long to think of a plan. Weapons are only there for defending ourselves but if you have no weapons, use your mind. But I am pleased of what you two are capable of. You must had a great teacher."

Both boys nodded and smiled. The company smiled at her until they heard someone say,

"They did and still do."

Everyone turn to see Thorin standing up and looking directly at her. Jasmina stared back with an emotionless face and said,

"I see you are the one who taught them. It makes sense since you are their uncle."

"I teach them because I am their king and leader of the company. I will not let those two slow us down if they can not defend themselves. It even goes to everyone else."

Caged Hearts; An Unexpected Chance Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now