"Sakura was only 3 years old while I was 4 at that time, we didn't know why kaa-san kept on avoiding tou-san while tou-san barely came home anymore, though we didn't question it because I was too afraid to do so..." Karin took off her glasses and sniffled as she tried to blink away her tears. "So, we kept each other company for every moment because neither of our parents even bothered with us anymore. It was then almost a year later when kaa-san found out that tou-san cheated on her, yet kaa-san didn't even get mad. She just went out for a few hours then came back with divorce papers in her hands."

"Soon after, they divorced then tou-san married the woman he cheated kaa-san on, Matsui Yuki, and took me while kaa-san changed her surname back to Saito and took Sakura with her to Konoha..."By now, Karin kept sobbing heavily and trying to keep her breathing stable.

The memory of her father explaining to her that she couldn't be with her mother and little sister again flashed in her mind.


"Tou-san, why are we moving here? What about kaa-san and Sak'ra-chan? Why aren't they here?" 5 year old Karin asked multiple questions at once as she held her father's hand while the other held her sister's favorite doll, a worn out white bunny with a black button replacing it's other eye.

She glanced up at her father who sighed and rubbed his temples at his daughter mentioning his now ex-wife and younger daughter. He crouched down to Karin's level and stared right into Karin's curious ones. He grasped her small shoulders and said quietly, "Your kaa-san and I... you know how we fight every time?" Karin nodded slowly.

"Well... We decided it would be better if we separated for a bit, and took either Sakura or you with us. You- you see sweetheart, your kaa-san wanted to travel to Konohagakure with you and Sakura while I wanted to stay here, but I couldn't imagine what I would do if both of you aren't with me," Her father continued, she listened. "So your kaa-san and I made a deal; we both would get what we want while we take either Sakura or you with us. In the end, it's fair. I stay here in Ame with you, while your kaa-san take Sakura with her to Konoha."

Seeing the devastated look on her face, he panicked in his mind. "Y-you understand right, sweetheart? It's for the best for all of us, if your kaa-san and I were still together, it won't be good for either Sakura or you." He said, "Just... I know this will be a bit hard for you, but do this for tou-san, please sweetheart?" He pleaded.

She complied. A small, slow nod she gave her father was enough to make him happier by a fraction. He hugged her tight and kissed her on her round cheeks, "Thank you, Karin..."

When he released her from his embrace, she asked again, "But will I see kaa-san and Sak'ra-chan again, tou-san?" To which he responded with a low "Yes."

Yet unknowingly to him, her sensitive ears had caught on to the quiet "hopefully not." that followed right after his answer.

He broke the tension when he spotted a middle-aged blonde a few inches shorter than him walking towards them. He grinned at the unknown woman and ushered his daughter towards the woman. "Sweetheart, meet Matsui Yuki-san, she will take care of you from now on when I'm busy working."

The blonde woman now known as Matsui-san gushed over how adorable her partner's daughter was. She pinched Karin's chubby, pink cheeks, "She's so adorable Ryu! You look just like you father!" She chirped. It was true, Karin did look like her father more with her spiky red hair and sharp eyes. Her eye colour though, she got it from her mother while Sakura got hers from her father's.

Karin glanced at the woman who made herself busy chatting with her father. She looked at Matsui-san's smile.

It was beautiful.

Sadly, it was not as mesmerising or breathtaking as her mother's smiles.


Tsunade stayed quiet for a few moments, letting all the information seep through her memory. She pondered whether the story she had just heard was true or not. But judging from the way the talk, their expressions, their tones... she made up her mind that everything they had told her and Ibiki was true.

Her gaze went from the table to Ibiki, who wore an unreadable expression on his scarred face. Ibiki returned her unspoken question with a nod of his head.

She cleared her throat, catching their attention doing so, and opened her mouth. Her face and aura went back to being serious. She spoke up once again, "Alright then, thank you for this... explanation," turns out she barely knew her apprentice's background.

"Now, my question is: who was the other person with you when you two visited Sakura's graveyard?" She questioned.

She expected for them to be quiet for a long moment again like they did before.

She expected them to hesitate answering.

She expected Takeshi to reply first.

She didn't expect Karin to bravely answer with the name that she couldn't have guessed in a million years.

"Akasuna No Sasori."


chapter dedicated to: my ass of a daughter, milkyteaser

[ 1531 words ]


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