Episode 5

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Eul asks Joon-young on camera what he would do if he only had one year to live, but he says morosely that that's too much time. "Let's say I have three months." When Eul agrees, he states that he's going to do whatever he wants — sue the people who slander him, and kill everyone he hates.

Everyone in the room grows uncomfortable, but Joon-young says to keep the cameras rolling. He smiles gently at Eul, says that he's not joking.

He changes the subject, and asks Eul to date him: " Will you date me, Noh Eul PD-nim? Let's say I'm going to die in three months, so just for three months. Just for three months, let's date like there's no tomorrow."

Joon-young never breaks eye contact with Eul, even when the crew laughs like it's the biggest joke ever. He says again that it's not a joke, and gives Eul his most winning smile. There's a long silent moment, and then Eul simpers that she can't possibly say no to such an offer.

She chirpily asks if they should start today and make it public, making fun at Joon-young's expense. He knows exactly what she's doing, and just snorts a laugh.

A while later, Eul is face-down in a bowl at her favorite restaurant, trying to drown herself in an inch of water. Ji-tae finds her and asks if she did something wrong, and she burbles that she thinks she'll get fired from Joon-young's documentary.

She still thinks his offer was a joke, and that she reacted wrongly.

Ji-tae sweetly dries her face and says it's probably a good thing for her to stop working with Joon-young. He even offers to help her find a job, but she sneers, thinking that he's unemployed himself. Belatedly remembering the character he plays with her, he insists he'll find a job soon, and Eul muses that she'll marry him once he does. That startles Ji-tae, but he doesn't answer.

Joon-young isn't happy when he gets the news that someone other than Eul will be coming to work on his documentary. Everyone assumed he asked her to date him to get rid of her, and the company president made it happen.

Gook-young is beside himself, upset that Eul was fired when in his mind, she reacted the only way she could. Joon-young lets him talk himself out, then says calmly that without Eul, he won't film one more second of the documentary. If the company president wants him to do it, he'd better get Eul back.

Eul's proposal visibly shakes Ji-tae so badly that she takes it back, assuming that he objects to the idea. Then she teases him to tell her that he likes the idea, but his continued silence sobers her up and she takes it for a real rejection. She storms out, barking that she doesn't like him all that much anyway, and Ji-tae just continues drinking.

The restaurant ajumma wonders how Eul thinks she could get a great guy like Ji-tae even if he is unemployed. She tries to set him up with "a friend" who sounds suspiciously like herself, but Ji-tae just smiles sadly and says it's him who's not good enough for Eul. "How could I dare to have her? What's why I didn't say yes."

Eul's phone rings where she left it behind on the table, and Ji-tae sees that whoever is calling is saved in her phone as just a picture of a cartoon dog and bird. He answers the call, and on the other end of the line, Joon-young asks why he's answering Eul's phone.

Both guys' hackles go up and neither concedes to give their name first. Joon-young says that his name should have come up on the caller ID, but Ji-tae says it was just the pictures of the dog and bird, making Joon-young yelp.

Ji-tae guesses this is Joon-young calling, and tells him not to call Eul again. Joon-young also correctly guesses that this is "Husband," which surprises Ji-tae in turn. But Eul shows up and snatches back her phone, and it's kind of adorable how Joon-young freezes and hangs up when he hears her voice, even though he called her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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