Stiles' brown eyes were narrowed at the boy, for he had inappropriately scanned his girlfriend as he had passed them, which caused Stiles to take a step closer to her protectively and gently hold onto her elbow. However, his gaze softened once he looked at her. "I'm sure everything will be fine," he assured her. "Come on, we should probably try to find Scott. He said he was here already."

She nodded and the two started to walk throughout the house, searching for their werewolf friend. Sierra managed to see the brown-haired boy first, texting on his phone while he sat on the couch. They quickly made their way over to him and soon the trio was walking down a hallway upstairs, trying to talk about any new updates. Scott hadn't seen Jackson yet, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to show up. None of them had managed to find the Argent girl yet either, and they needed to in order to discuss what they found-even if Scott wasn't completely sure about what they discovered.

Stiles was the one who started a theory, and a pretty good one at that. It completely revolved around water, as all the victims were a part of the swim team and Sierra had recalled how the kanima had seemed afraid of the liquid at the pool. Scott was a little slower in understanding, but eventually realized that whoever was controlling Jackson, hated the 2006 swim team. One thing they couldn't figure out is who the master was. It could've been another teacher, a student, literally anyone. They had thought of so many suspects, but which one had the most probable cause?

As they stood by the punch table thinking silently, Allison appeared with a small smile. A dark jacket kept her warm against the chilly night air, on top of a orange, black and pink floral dress. Her long hair was pulled into a side braid done by Sierra herself but her normal bright and bubbly attitude was nowhere in sight. She seemed upset; she had been since the rave but Sierra thought today was going to be better for her. As she watched her best friend awkwardly make eye-contact with his girlfriend, Sierra could see that she was wrong.

Allison hadn't managed to find Jackson either, which made Stiles realize Sierra's worries might actually come true. It was literally the four of them standing by the pool, not another person in sight. Scott suggested that it was just early but the other three knew that wasn't the case. Everyone thought the strawberry-blonde was crazy, but unlike them, those people didn't know the truth. Sierra spotted Lydia standing across the yard by herself, still holding a full tray of punch. "We have to do something," she stated firmly, making her friends look at her curiously. "We've ignored her for the past two weeks, even though I know she's ignored Scott and Stiles for the past ten years."

Stiles was about to make a sarcastic comeback but as he realized how true her words were, he simply shrugged. He might've had a crush on Lydia towards the beginning of the year, but now he only cared about and ached for Sierra. Scott didn't seem that offended either; Lydia only started to become friends with him because he got bitten and became good at lacrosse. "We don't owe her a party."

"But this could be a chance to get things back to normal," Allison agreed with her arms crossed over her chest, taking Sierra's side.


Allison rationalized the whole situation, telling the boys the only reason Lydia was deemed a whack-job was because of them. After this was said and they all noticed how sad Lydia looked, the two agreed and Scott was going to try and get the lacrosse team to come. "I also know some people who can get this thing going," Stiles commented and Sierra raised her eyebrows at him.


"People we met the other night," he replied vaguely and it only took a second for realization to dawn on her before she started to laugh. Allison and Scott didn't realize what was so funny but Sierra just swatted the air with her hand, dismissing the topic. He was referring to the drag queens that had flirted with him at the gay club. And although she should be slightly jealous, Sierra only found humor in the situation. "Let's just say they know how to party."

Burn It Down || Stilinski || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now