Ch. 54 (PG-13): Where There is a "Mill", There is a Way

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Thistle:  Thistle shakes her head mournfully.  “Jamie, I have neverrr seen Blythe so despondent as she is now at the prrrospect of parrrrting from little Lissa Dillarrrd.  I do na know what to do.”  She throws up her hands in consternation.   “She will na eat, norrr even take her afterrrrnoon nap. I fearrr for Blythe’s overrrall health, as well as herrr emotional spirrrits--and also, those of Lissa.”  Thistle is beside herself with worry.

Jamie:  Embracing his wife soothingly.  “I wish that we could let them stay togetherrr.  Lissa is Blythe’s firrrst and only frrriend.” He shakes his head sorrowfully.  “But we must returrrn home to tend to ourrr estates.” 

Thistle nods her head in agreement with her husband.  But her heart is still hopeful for a solution.

Angharad:  Baird’s sister Angharad MacIntosh [(2) right] offers helpfully.  “Jamie and Thistle.  We arrre staying for a few days longerrr, beforrre  rrreturrring to London.  Might you leave Blythe with us, to let her accustom herrrself to parrrting from Lissa?  Then Blythe can trrravel to Scotland with Papa and Mama next week.” For Cameron and Hannah are planning to make a quick trip home to Scotland.

The young couples look at Jamie and Thistle hopefully.

Thistle: “Thank you.  I wish we could.  But Blythe’s health needs rrrequirrre constant vigilance--beyond her legs.”  She pauses.  “We have na said beforrre, but Blythe also has a delicate hearrrt.  And all of this upset is na doing herrr any good.”  The ever strong Thistle tears up.

John: “I’m so sorry, Thistle and Jamie.  We did not know.”  John gazes at Blythe’s bereft parents caringly. 

Margaret:  “Blythe seems so healthy otherwise--with her rosie cheeks and such.”  Margaret bites her lip with worry about her own babe to be born in a little more than two months time.  Will he or she also be born with health problems?

Fiona:  “If only Lissa Dillard could go home to Scotland with Blythe for a visit.”  She frets and nestles into her new husband Baird’s side.  

Actually, it is as if Fiona and Baird are literally joined at the hip, because they have not relinquished their embrace of each other since they arrived at Thornton Manor this evening.  Fiona and Baird receive a few raised eyebrows about their closely intimate body contact.  But tactfully, no one mentions it.  They were all newly married once as well. 

Margaret: “The Dillards would never agree to be parted from their daughter for so great a distance as between Milton, England and Angus, Scotland.”   Margaret shakes her head ruefully.

Angharad: “And Lissa is not a toy to be bandied about and shuffled around without thought to herrr futurrre.”  They all know this, but it is good of her to mention it.

Baird: “Still, if a way could be found ….”  Baird’s voice trails off.  He has no ideas.

Having kept his own counsel and not even made his suggestion to Margaret--for fear that it would only get everyone’s hopes up to have them dashed--John puts forth an idea in hushed tones so that the little girls do not overhear them.

John:  “I have a suggestion that will only work if Mr. and Mrs. Dillard agree to it.”

Alistair: “Of course, as Lissa’s parents, they would have to agree to any arrangement.”  Alistair squeezes his wife Angharad’s hand. 

Margaret: “What is it, John?” She asks hopefully.

John: “Hhhh!  You understand that I have consulted with no one about this--and it might not be possible.”

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