"Thank you, too."


"Being mine." She kissed him softly. "This is the least I could do for you."

He smiled and began to cry again, and she wiped his tears away. "Everything's gonna be perfect now," she whispered. "I pinky promise."

Drew lifted her off her feet and spun her around, making her laugh. "I know we don't have much money right now, but I'll get ten jobs and work overtime if I have to. This baby is gonna have the best childhood we can give her."

"No need. We can ask Pa for-"

"No," he said firmly. "I'm providing for this child, okay? Not Hunter."

She nodded. "Alright. I understand" And she did understand. She understood that Drew needed to prove this to himself, that he could take care of a child without someone else's help. That he would be the best father he could be. This was his child, not Pa's, and he deserved that right.

He kissed her again, before turning back to the stove. "Well, this calls for celebration, doesn't it?" he asked. "See, I knew, without you even telling me, that tonight was special."

"Sure," she said with a smile. "Tell yourself that."

"Do you want salmon? Is there something else you'd prefer?"

"No, no, salmon- salmon is good." 

Drew sniffled again, and looked at her, smiling at her softly. His eyes were red, but they'd never been happier. "A baby," he repeated. "Our baby."

"Ours," she replied gently.

He hugged her one more time. "I love you so much. I'm so glad I married you. Our baby... she's going to be beautiful."

"Of course she is. She's half you." She brushed his curly fringe out of his eyes and kissed him softly. "I love you, too. I'm yours."


Spencer's phone rang, and he picked up. "Hello?"

"Oh, Spence! Awesome. I'm sorry, I've been calling around, and no one else would answer the phone."

"H-Hey," he said, his heart racing. "Erm, what's up?"

"I'm, er... in a bit of a mess. My mom's car is broken and I went to the laundromat with some clothes, but now it's raining, and I can't walk back without getting the clothes wet again."

"Oh, it's not far from here. Did you want me to ask my mom to pick you up?"

"Only if it's no trouble," he said. "I'm sorry, I couldn't get ahold of anyone else, and-"

"Don't apologise," he said. "We'll be there soon."

"Okay. Bye!"

Spencer walked into the living room, where Ryan was marking papers. "Ma?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Oliver's stranded at the laundromat, can we pick him up?"

"Stranded at the laundromat? You mean the one down the road?"

"The one near the Walmart."

"That's a seedy little place," said Ma with a frown. "He shouldn't be alone there. Sure, I'll come. Hold on." She quickly neatened her papers and grabbed her car keys. "Nick, I'm leaving the house for a bit, check on the roast!"

"Yes, Ma!"

She got her car keys and left, Spencer following her, and said, "So... are you and Oliver good friends?"

Take A Walk (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 5 of The Hardships Saga)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin