Sufferings---Shot 6

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Hello guys!!! Back with next part.
Let's begin:

Sufferings (SwaSan SS)Season 2
Shot 6:
Recap: swara fainted as doctor give her abortion pills as sujata said.

Sanskar came inside the hospital running with swara in his arms. Ashi and pari are coming back.
Sanskar (shouted): doctor
Nurse: yes sir.
Sanskar:my wife fainted and she is pregnant.

Nurse: plz that side.
She pointed towards the OT. Sanskar made swara lie on the stretcher and they took her inside.

One doctor came hurriedly as he was informed about emergency.
Sanskar: plz doctor swara should be fine
Doctor: I will check don't worry.
He went inside the OT. He is another doctor as Dr Anandi has day duty and now its night.

Sanskar is almost shivering. He didn't expected all this. Then only he listened someone sobbing. He turn only to see ashi is hugging pari and crying.
His eyes softened how can he ignore this little soul. He went near them and picked ashi in his arms.
Sanskar: ashi baby don't cry.
He sit on the chair and make ashi sit in his lap.

Ashi: mamma
Sanskar: mamma will be fine and will talk to ashi.
Ashi: (look at him)really?
Sanskar (cups her face): yes and ashi is brave girl who don't cry.
Ashi lie on sanskar's chest and sanskar caress her hairs.

Sujata and adarsh came as pari informed them. Rahul ran to pari.
Sujata: Sanskar what happened?.
Sanskar: don't know swara fainted suddenly.

Ashi: mamma ran to washroom also.
Ashi told as she was there.
Sanskar: may be vomiting also.
Sujata (think): so that pill did work I hope now that girl will be killed and no one will get to know that its all done by me.

Sujata made an innocent face and said
Sujata: hope so she will be fine.
Sanskar hugged ashi tightly who is sleeping in his arms till now. He was worried for swara but looking at ashi's cute face he feel little relief. He softly kiss her forehead.

After an hour, doctor came out. Sanskar give ashi to pari and went to him.
Sanskar: how is swara???
Doctor: she is fine but I want to talk something important.
Sanskar: yes
Doctor: come to my cabin.
Sanskar nodded and went after doctor.

They enter inside the cabin and sanskar sit in front of him. He is Dr prakash who is mature and well experienced.

Sanskar: any problem, baby is okay??
Doctor: with God's Grace baby is saved if little more late you would have lost the child.
Sanskar got numb. Her eyes got blurred due to tears.
Sanskar: why??

He was hardly able to speak anything.
Doctor: did you applied for abortion??
Sanskar(shock): no
Doctor: but your wife has taken abortion pill may be she don't want the baby.

Sanskar: this is not possible she is happy for the child.
Doctor: who is her regular doctor???
Sanskar: Dr Anandi, swara comes in this hospital only.

Doctor: I will talk to her bcoz these pills only doctors can prescribe. Now not to worry it was caught at the right time before the pill can effect so baby and swara are fine but I suggest talk to your Mrs it will be better.

Sanskar (nodded): thank you.
He came out and again went out of the OT. Ashi came and hug her legs. He picked her.

Ashi: I want to meet mamma.
Sanskar: hmm wait.
Sanskar ask nurse and she said only two members can go as swara is still unconscious.

Swara's cabin:
Sanskar enter inside with ashi. He saw swara is lying closing her eyes. They went near and sit on the chair near her bed.
Ashi(whisper in sanskar's ear): mamma is sleeping.

Sanskar (smiles): yes we should not disturb.
Ashi nodded and silently look at swara.
After half an hour, Swara opened her eyes when she listened some noise. She look aside and saw Sanskar and ashi whispering.

Swara(slowly): ashi
Ashi(shouted happily): mamma.
He came out from Sanskar's arms and hugged swara.
Sanskar: ashi slowly.
Sanskar made Swara sit with the support of the bed.

Sanskar: how are you feeling?
Swara: good baby is fine??
Sanskar: yes
Swara (sign in relief): thank god.
Sanskar(think); swara can never think of abortion it's something else will talk to her once she get well.
Ashi: i missed you

Ashi cuddles in swara's arms.
Swara: aww love you.
Ashi and sanskar are sitting on either side of swara.
Sanskar; swara I was so scared after looking at your condition.
Ashi: me too

Swara got shocked as both are crying.
Swara: ohh so both of you become cry babies I'm fine.
Sanskar: I'm happy that everything is okay.
Swara: sanskar why I fainted?? What doctor said??

Sanskar: I will tell later.
He avoided the topic as ashi is also sitting near.
Swara: okay.
Later all came inside to see swara.
Sujata: how is your baby swara.?
Swara: fine

Sujata (think): offo she got saved my whole hard work went in vain.
They talked for sometimes and went back to home.
For the whole night, sanshi were with swara. Sanskar and ashi slept on the couch in the room.

In the morning, swara was discharged as she was not that serious and sanskar assures that he will take care of her.
SwaSanShi Room:
Swara is lying when sanskar came inside and Ashi is after him holding his pant.

Sanskar: come on swara have your food.
They came and sit near her and started feeding her.
Later, swara said
Swara: I'm full

Sanskar: no u should eat.
Ashi nodded supporting sanskar.
They were feeding though she was protesting.
Sanskar got up to bring swara's medicine.

Swara(mumble) : devils
Ashi(shout): papa mamma said devils to us.
Swara(shock); you were in my team??
Ashi: I'm half half.
Sanskar roll his eyes and give medicine to swara.
Rahul( came inside): ashi let's play.
Ashi: I want to be with my mamma.
Swara: ashi I will be here only you go and play.

Ashi: okay.
She kiss swara's cheeks and jumped down from bed running out.
Sanskar held swara's hand sitting beside.

Sanskar: swara tell me truely
Swara: hmm
Sanskar; did you take abortion pills?
Swara(shock): what are you saying? Why I will do like this?

Sanskar: you fainted bcoz of that pill. So I need to talk to Dr Anandi she only can give this pill.
Swara: but why someone will have problem with our baby.

Sanskar: don't know but you relax and take rest I will see.
Sanskar made swara lie comfortably.
Swara: be here
Sanskar took swara in his embrace lying beside her.

Swara(thinks): when I took the abortion pill.?? I started feeling vomiting and dizziness after visiting hospital means there ohh yes Dr Anandi gave me one pill but why she will abort my child. Who can be there??? Ma !!! She was with me and asked to me to take that pill. Even pari bhabi said she will abort the child if its girl means my baby is girl?.? So much of confusion. I have to meet Dr anandi she can only tell and I don't have any proof against ma. Will go tomorrow to hospital.

She closed her eyes and slept.
Later, ashi came inside the room and saw swasan sleeping. Swara's head in resting on Sanskar's arm.

Ashi(pout): they slept without me. What should I do.
Ashi place her first finger on her chin and started thinking. Then she jumped on the bed and hugged swara and slept.
To be continued...

Precap: swara slap sujata. Sanskar shocked
Thank you.

Sufferings(SwaSan SS)Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now