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Pic of Meagan above.




I slam my hand on the stupid alarm clock. Great it's Monday I have to leave my 4 year old sister, Chloe home with the step monster. * Creeeak*  Oh shit! That's my dads door. Another day of torture. 

"Meagan get your fat ass up now and make me brekkie,"  yells my dad.

I shoot out of bed and run into the kitchen. I quickly make bacon and eggs just like he likes it. I put it on the coffee table in the lounge room. I go to walk back into my room but a huge figure blocks my way. Oh crap! And I forgot to mention that my dad is huge like 6"8.

"Why are you not ready yet slut!" my dad yells at me.

"I-I don't know," I reply. Then he does the expected, he punches me in the face. "Hurry up, Bitch!" he screams. I hurry away holding my face. Great, just great now I'm gonna have to cover it up. I rush to get ready I get  skinny jeans and a light pink sweater and get changed. I do my hair and teeth, put on converses. Now the hard part my make up. Uggh I have an ugly black, blue and purple bruise underneath my cheekbone. After I put on thick foundation and eyeliner, I gently pick up Chloe. "Hey, Baby its time to wake up ok, be good big sis got to go to school," I say.

 "No I want you to stay," she says.

"I'm sorry, bye," I put her down and if Anna our stepmother lays another hand on her, I will beat her up. Little do my parents know that I take self defence classes. But of course if I show my skill then they will get suspicions about me, so I'm stuck getting beat up myself. I do everything in my power to look after her but its hard. But I promise I will do everything in my power to look after her.

And with that promise ringing in my head I start the 10 minute walk to the high school.

Authors Note

If you liked this story then comment, if you didn't like it is fine i will start a new story. I will try to edit as much as I can. Thank you so much for reading my first ever story.


Love Lysandra!!!

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