"Our baby really is in there, honey," she whispered as she placed her hand on my head and softly massaged my golden locks. I closed my eyes and placed a gently, loving kiss upon the bump.

Our bump.

Our baby.

"I really don't wanna interrupt, but this photo is hella cute," Rocky voice suddenly came from nowhere and Tori jumped from fright. "Rocky scaring Tori isn't good for the baby," I scolded him and the both looked at me shocked.

"I read it in a baby book, okay?" I mumbled shyly and Tori chuckled. "Do me a favour? Stop reading them. They're only going to make you paranoid," Tori spoke gently and I immediately nodded to her request. "Okay I'll stop," I said and heard Rocky cough 'whipped'.

He walked closer and handed us his phone that was opened on a photo. One that was taken seconds ago. The photo showed me, eyes closed, kissing Tori's stomach. She had her right arm, the one closest to the camera, holding up her shirt to just below her breasts and her left arm was on my head. The small round ceiling lights gave the room a soft glow and it captured that magical and exquisite moment.

"Could you please send us the photo?" I asked Rocky and he nodded before grabbing his phone. After a few seconds both mine and Tori's phones went off. "You have a bump. Hello, baby lynch," Rocky cooed as he bent down and spoke to Tori's belly. She giggled softly and I smiled at the sight.

"It's a magical moment isn't it?" Rocky asked me with a genuine smile and I nodded with a grin. "Exquisite," I replied and he grinned in agreement. "I really am happy for you guys. You deserve all the joy you can get and even more," Rocky said and Tori suddenly sniffed. "Thank you," she said with a cracking voice as she hugged Rocky.

Over her shoulder Rocky saw my concerned face and mouthed 'hormones' to me with a reassuring smile.

*that morning*

"Is Tori still sleeping?" Shay asked me as we all stood backstage and I nodded. "Yeah she has jet lag," I chuckled softly and Shay grinned. "Well I'm glad she got here safe. Are you excited for the baby?" she asked and a huge grin took over my face as I thought back to very early this morning.

"Yeah I really am. I honestly can't wait," I said happily and Shay smiled softly. "I'm happy for you guys," she said and I smiled at her. "Thank you, Shay. That means a lot," I said and she nodded and smiled before walking towards Ryland. He softly kissed her causing me to smile happily for my brother before I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi, Angel," I said as I turned around and pulled Tori into my arms. "Hi," she whispered in an exhausted tone as she buried her face in my neck. I softly rubbed her back and felt her yawn. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and she hummed. "I did, but I'm still tired," she said and I kissed her head. "You can still sleep, Angel. Nobody would mind and we're only rehearing," I said and she shook her head as she pulled back.

It was still cold and rainy outside and Tori had the same clothes on as early this morning.

"No I'm okay," I said and just then my parents walked into the room with Starbucks. "Hi, Tori!" my mom exclaimed as she walked to us and pulled my wife into a hug. "Hi, Stormie," Tori smiled before she hugged my dad.

Tori sees my parents more like her parents now too, but she still won't call them mom and dad. It's understandable after all she's been through with her parents.

"We have coffee for everyone. Except for you, honey, you'll have to switch to tea," my mom said and Tori smiled gratefully, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes. Tori loves her coffee so not going to be able to drink it will be a big transition for her. "Thank you," she smiled as everyone came to get their coffee.

Love in LA • a Ross Lynch Fanfic °°BOOK 2°°Where stories live. Discover now