Where have the world gone

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2001 is where the world gone. I mean it wasn't all bad at first, but when you're  labeled with the  label Metahumans,that when the world turns on you. No one know when the first Meta arise but we didn't first figure out they exist until the 2000's. They have lived among us until that day when the government found out about them. The government saw them as weapons of mass destruction and could be the next WMDs and wanted to use them in wars. So they tested all of citizens in the United States and found hundreds of them. They asked them if they wanted to go into the military like they had a choice. Most said yes knowing that they didn't have a choice but the ones that said no had another thing coming. It wasn't like they didn't give them many opportunities to say yes, but some just wouldn't say it so..... they KILLED them. Yes, they KILLED THEM. And for the ones that went to the military well, they got worked until they dropped. I mean like they got worked until they either died or lost their powers and then the  government killed them. So why did so many Metas deiced to go? Because the government made them believe  if they go and live for a couple of years and did your job then you will able to go home and live a better life. But we all know what happened to them, THEY GOT BODIED. But what is the real questions you might ask? Why? Why are doing this to all the Metas?  And who is next?

I never knew how fast I would the answers, until I had them. Because I am a Meta human.

Authors note:

Hey know this chapter is very short but it is kinda like the introduction, and if I named it Introduction then we would never had read it. Then you would be looking confused if I bring stuff back up. Sooo don't worry next chapter is longer. 


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