The Hunting: Prologue - The Past -

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Saturday, April 14th, 2007

There was couple of eerie noises drum to the ears. Screaming children, groaning in pain. Calling their parents in shriek voices. A woman ran with the triplets to the upstairs, could see her eyes in fear, panic and confuse nowhere to escape.

"Damn it!" she frustrate, "I'm sorry... my children... I did the best as I could to protect you. I can't fail, she entrust me..."

It was stressful situation and she cried so hard. The triplets were only standing and startled looking at her. Poor Children, why is your fate to be this way? Then, she heard some footsteps coming from the stairs. She was frozen like a solid; her mind was elsewhere thinking that this might be the end of it. What? How? Where? The atmosphere getting heat with all the pressure she feels.

Sooner she realizes that a girl one of the triplets pulled gently of her dress. All of the worries are gone. She bends down and shifts her hands to the girl's shoulder. The girl was so calm and didn't even flinch. It was so strange that she doesn't sense any kind of danger at this moment.

The girl speaks, "Don't worry, Ms Lara. They headed to first floor."

"What are you talking about?" Lara confused.

"Ms Lara, Katie said she's scared..." the other girl told.

Lara broke to sweats. Katie? But... she saw Katie was dead hit by an axe. She covers her mouth that the only think she could thing off these are the reason why those psychos after. She can tell that the moment she saw these triplets were extraordinary. Judging by the look of their marks, 3 dots under their right eyes, her hand starts to shiver... The colors of their eyes changed.

            "Are you afraid of us, Ms Lara?"

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"Are you afraid of us, Ms Lara?"

She shocked as soon as the girl said and reply calmly, "No, my child. I was just startled."

The boy cried, "What should we do, Ms Lara?"

There wasn't much of a choice. Sooner or later, they notice that these kids are not on the first floor. Without hesitation, Lara holds tightly the girl's shoulder.

"Listen carefully, Suki. I'm telling this for your own good. No matter what happen, ran as fast as you could and hide, okay?"

"But, Ms Lara..."

"Just take Kai and Yuuko with you, I'll be fine."

Kai cries, "Ms Lara isn't coming with us?"

"Don't worry Kai nii-chan, she will come with us. She'll protect us," Yuuko tries to comfort her brother.

Hearing the kids talking made Lara sad. Then, she whispers to Suki and Suki's reaction changed.

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